Alexis Corbière shares a petition to support his candidacy

Alexis Corbière shares a petition to support his candidacy
Alexis Corbière shares a petition to support his candidacy

The outgoing deputy Alexis Corbière was not nominated by the New Popular Front in Seine-Saint-Denis for the legislative elections. A petition shared by the elected official calls for the “withdrawal of any other competing candidacy on the left”.

The fight continues for Alexis Corbière in the 7th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis. A petition calling on voters to “choose their candidate” was shared this Sunday, June 16, by the outgoing MP, who was not nominated by the New Popular Front.

This petition denounces in particular “internal settlements of accounts totally out of step with the seriousness of the moment”. The collective of activists behind it believes that “our words as left-wing citizens must count more than the internal logic of the parties”.

The withdrawal of “any other” candidacy on the left

They are therefore demanding the renewal of his candidacy and requesting the withdrawal of “any other” candidacy on the left. “The time is too serious to play with fire.” The petition was published this Saturday, June 15 and has since received 350 signatures.

Emergency physician Sabrina Ali Benali was chosen by the New Popular Front to represent the party in this constituency which includes Montreuil and Bagnolet. Alexis Corbière indicated on June 15 that he was going to appear before her. “I am a candidate and I invite voters to elect deputies who defend the union and democracy,” he wrote on X.

Garrido and Simonnet also candidates

“Imagine that at 11 p.m., without a phone call, you discover a painting and when you look, there is no longer your name and we have not explained to you why,” Alexis protested this Saturday Corbière at the microphone of BFMTV.

Like him, the outgoing deputies Raquel Garrido and Danielle Simonnet were not reinvested by the new grouping of left-wing parties. All three of them nevertheless decided to run again against a candidate from this list.

The legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7 in France. The 577 deputies of the National Assembly are expected to be renewed following the dissolution of the lower house of Parliament, a first since 1997.



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