LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: 250,000 demonstrators in France according to the Ministry of the Interior, 640,000 according to the CGT

LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: 250,000 demonstrators in France according to the Ministry of the Interior, 640,000 according to the CGT
LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: 250,000 demonstrators in France according to the Ministry of the Interior, 640,000 according to the CGT

A little over two weeks before the first round of the early legislative elections, France Insoumise announced that it would reinvest Adrien Quatennens, unlike Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido and Danielle Simonnet. Several party figures criticize “a purge”, and accuse Jean-Luc Mélenchon of being behind this decision. On the other hand, nearly 200 demonstrations will take place this Saturday across France against the far right. Follow our live stream.

Less than a week after the earthquake of dissolution, opponents of the far right will take to the streets on Saturday throughout France at the call of unions, associations and the left of the “New Popular Front”, already shaken by accusations of “purge” within LFI.

La France insoumise announced on Friday evening that it would reinvest the deputy for the North, Adrien Quatennens, who was nevertheless convicted of domestic violence. Conversely, several historical figures of the party such as Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido or Danielle Simonnet, labeled as rebels, were not reappointed. A decision described as “purge” or “sectarianism” by several elected officials of the party, such as Clémentine Autain or François Ruffin. For his part, the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, Alexis Corbière, accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon of “settling his scores”.

Information to remember:

  • 300,000 to 350,000 people will march this Saturday throughout France against the National Rally and the far right
  • A day that could be tense, and during which 21,000 police officers and gendarmes will be mobilized
  • LFI has decided to reinvest Adrien Quatennens, deputy from the North, convicted of domestic violence
  • Conversely, Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido and Danielle Simonnet, considered rebellious, are not renewed
  • Alexis Corbière accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon of “settling his scores”
  • Former President of the Republic François Hollande announces his candidacy in Corrèze
  • The PS has decided to invest François Hollande
  • 640,000 demonstrators were recorded throughout France, including 250,000 in Paris, according to the CGT
  • For its part, the police headquarters counted 75,000 demonstrators in the capital

Gabriel Attal unveils the presidential camp program

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced in view of the legislative elections several measures in favor of purchasing power, confirming a reduction in electricity bills of 15% “from next winter”, promising a reduction in the price of school supplies thanks to to “group purchases”.

In the event of victory for the presidential camp, Gabriel Attal plans to increase the amount of the “Macron” bonus, paid by companies to their employees up to 10,000 euros, instead of the current 6,000, “without charge or tax”. He is also considering a tax on share buybacks which will finance an “energy renovation fund” for the “middle and working class” classes, which will make it possible to renovate 300,000 additional homes by 2027.

“Purge” at La France insoumise: “lifetime investitures do not exist”, responds Mélenchon

“Investigations for life do not exist” within La France insoumise, declared Saturday Jean-Luc Mélenchon to justify that certain figures of the movement, opposed to his line, were not reinvested for the anticipated legislative elections.

“Lifetime nominations do not exist”, affirms the leader of LFI in “20 minutes”, believing that it was necessary to “expand the candidacies to union and association activists” and reserve “very winnable seats” for them, instead of certain historic outgoing deputies, such as Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido or Danielle Simmonet. “Political coherence and loyalty in the first left-wing parliamentary group are also a requirement for governing,” he added.

640,000 demonstrators in France according to the CGT, 250,000 according to the Ministry of the Interior

Some 640,000 people in France, including 250,000 in Paris, marched on Saturday during demonstrations organized against the far-right, announced the CGT, which counted 182 rallies throughout the country. Other processions are planned for Sunday, according to the unions, particularly in Lyon. These demonstrations were organized at the call of five unions, associations and left-wing parties.

But according to the authorities, 250,000 demonstrators were recorded throughout France, therefore 75,000 demonstrators in the capital.

François Hollande confirms his candidacy for the legislative elections

The former President of the Republic, François Hollande, held a press point this Saturday in Tulle, in Corrèze, during which he confirmed his candidacy for the early legislative elections in the 1st constituency of Corrèze. He justifies his decision because he believes that “the situation is serious” and that “the danger represented by the extreme right is now proven”. “In an exceptional situation, an exceptional decision must be taken,” he added.

The PS “takes note” of the choice of the Corrèze Federation and invests François Hollande

The Socialist Party announces that it will nominate former President François Hollande for the legislative elections, taking note of the choice of the Corrèze federation and the decision of the former head of state to recognize himself “in the project of the New Popular Front”, announced to AFP the president of the PS electoral commission Pierre Jouvet.

“François Hollande declared this week that he recognized himself in the approach and project of the New Popular Front. We take note of the choice of the Corrèze federation to invest in it,” wrote the PS on the social network former socialist deputy for Corrèze is invested “in the first constituency” of the department, which had initially been allocated to the mayor of Tulles Bernard Combes.

In Paris, the demonstration started

The Parisian demonstration against the far right, called in particular by five unions, associations and left-wing parties, set off on Saturday from the Place de la République to join that of the Nation. Several thousand people made up the procession which set off behind the banner “together against the extreme right”. 200 rallies and demonstrations are planned throughout France during the weekend.

The demonstration is being prepared in Strasbourg

In Strasbourg, the demonstration against the far right is preparing to leave this Saturday noon. Daniel, a tourist from Marseille, was ready an hour before departure: “I am indeed against the nauseating ideas of the National Rally. I am very afraid of this ideology which is harmful for all the people. they are coming to power”, he hopes at the microphone of Europe 1.

On site, the atmosphere is rather festive, especially as the demonstration against the far right will join another gathering planned for a long time: the Visibility March, in other words Strasbourg Gay Pride. These two demonstrations will not mix so as not to politicize Gay Pride, but they will follow each other. 20,000 people are expected on the visibility march, 5,000 people minimum for the demonstration against the National Rally. So in total, around 25,000 people are expected to march in Strasbourg this afternoon.

François Hollande announces his candidacy in Corrèze

Former President of the Republic François Hollande announced that he was a candidate for the legislative elections in the first constituency of Corrèze under the banner of the New Popular Front. A surprise candidacy for the former socialist deputy of Corrèze and ex-mayor of Tulle. He should speak today.

Olivier Faure (PS) “tries to resolve” the “scandalous eviction” of LFI deputies not reinvested

The boss of the Socialists Olivier Faure announced on Saturday that he was “trying to resolve the scandalous ouster” of LFI “rebellious” deputies Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido and Danielle Simonnet, not reinvested by the management of La France insoumise for the legislative elections.

“The Popular Front does not deserve to be sullied by irresponsible decisions. Since last night, I have been trying to resolve the scandalous eviction of certain candidates. I will speak then”, wrote on X the First Secretary of the PS, less than 24 hours after the images of unity from the first joint press conference of the New Popular Front.

Between 300,000 and 350,000 anti-RN demonstrators expected throughout France

On the other hand, several tens of thousands of people are expected to march this Saturday throughout France against the far right. Demonstrations called by unions, associations and the left-wing coalition of the “New Popular Front” designated opponent N.1 by RN boss Jordan Bardella in view of the anticipated legislative elections.

Around 200 demonstrations are planned during the weekend in the run-up to the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7 and they will begin on Saturday morning in Bayonne, Toulon or Valenciennes. In Paris, the procession will leave at 2:00 p.m. to take the traditional Republic-Bastille-Nation route. Lyon will parade on Sunday.

According to police sources, 300 to 350,000 people are expected, including 50,000 to 100,000 in the capital. 21,000 police officers and gendarmes will be mobilized.

“It is of course necessary that this day can take place as we managed to do on pensions, without violence,” declared the N.1 of the CFDT Marylise Léon in an interview with Le Parisien. Five unions CFDT, CGT, UNSA, FSU and Solidaires are calling for mobilization. FO, CFE-CGC and CFTC highlight their apoliticism so as not to call for demonstrations even if certain federations such as that of education at FO will march.

“There is a need for a democratic upsurge”, underlined Marylise Léon who calls for voting “for any banner against the RN”. “On a Saturday, given the situation we are experiencing in France, there should be a lot of people,” according to Hervé Aussel, general secretary of CFDT Haute-Garonne.



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