A veritable gold mine on climatic events since 1850, unique on the Internet! 06/15/2024

This traces weather events in France since 1709 and was produced at Météo-France as well as in the largest old press bookstore in France “La Galcante”.

Winter 1709: Europe was paralyzed by a deadly wave of snow and ice. Anonymous board

This column allowed me, following a personal research of more than 30 years, to possess the largest database in the field (more than 10,000 documents).

More recently, this work is carried out in collaboration with the team of forecasters from my MeteoVilles Company. Writing daily articles on my website (to be found HERE) allowing detailed monitoring and feeding this column, as soon as a remarkable weather event occurs!

You can find the fruit of these years of work and research FREE (unique on the Internet) here >>>Chronique MeteoVilles

The Chronicle is available by years since 1709 (all years have been processed there since 1850) Then per quarter from 2002. You will find an overall report of the chosen year then the detailed weather events of each year.

Presentation of the Weather Chronicle interface

Even if this list is far from exhaustive, it covers the main climatic events and hazards which have affected France since 1850 (and even beyond).

We find in particular heat waves and heat waves (for example 1911, 1928, 1947, 1976, 1983, 1990, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2015, 2019, 2020), droughts (1921, 1976, 1989, 2020), cold waves (e.g. 1879, 1890, 1929, 1940, 1941, 1945, 1947, 1954, 1956, 1979, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 2012), tornadoes, storms (December 1999, 2009, in 2010), heavy, early and late snowfalls, avalanches, freezing rain, rotten summers (1912, 1956, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980), mild winters, early and late frosts, thunderstorms, hail, slow and flash floods…

The risk of encountering these climatic hazards treated by month and by region >>>HERE

Presentation of the interface dedicated to climatic hazards

A weather almanac (per day) of all these climatic events is also available >>>HERE

Presentation of the interface dedicated to the weather almanac

What time ! : Chronicle of the weather from 1900 to the present day

Editions: Hermé Author: Guillaume Séchet

Book that you can find >>> HERE

There’s more season !
Editions: Aubanel Author: Guillaume Séchet

Book that you can find >>> HERE

Extreme Weather

Editions: Hugo Image Author: Guillaume Séchet

Illustrative image for The book METEO EXTREME (Guillaume Séchet) sets the record straight!

Book that you can find >>> HERE

Jérémie GAILLARD – Forecaster for MétéoCilles



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