Field day and reunion dinner

Field day and reunion dinner
Field day and reunion dinner

Two dates are to be remembered as the festivities surrounding the centenary of Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc will culminate on June 29 and August 31 with respectively the village field day and the reunion dinner. Committee president Michel Chiasson wants nothing more and nothing less for citizens, former residents and visitors to experience memorable activities.

After more modest activities held last February, the field day will truly launch Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc at the heart of the celebrations of the 100e. The starting signal is scheduled for 10 a.m. at the Denis-Lavoie Intergenerational Park with inflatable play structures, face painting for children, water games and giant trampoline. People will then head towards the Vieux Moulin at lunchtime where tables will be set up and people can bring their lunch.

A demonstration of friendly godendard competitions and a play of the Caravan in breakdown will enhance the afternoon.

It is on Principale Street that the population is expected for supper. This will be closed to vehicle traffic between the post office and the barracks. More than 400 people are expected while people must bring their meals.

Strong entertainment is on the program, including music by Cédric and his band. Beer bearing the image of the 100e will be in the spotlight. For each beer sold, $1 will be donated to a fund to benefit the Centennial.

The day will end at the Municipal Park, near the bridge, with a fireworks display.


To close this 100e anniversary, the reunion dinner should bring together around 500 guests under the marquee which will be set up near the municipal center. Here again, various activities are planned. A historic mass will be celebrated from 2 p.m. at the parish church.

People will be able to enjoy a free day the next day, 1er September, when the large hall of the municipal center will be open to fraternize one last time. Buses will also be available to visit Gaston Morin’s farm.

“We feel a keen interest from the population as the major festivities approach this summer. Our committee is made up of around ten members, but several other volunteers will also be present to help during large gatherings,” concludes President Chiasson.



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