Hoboken Explosion – Focus Now on Dismantling Building Destroyed by Explosion

Hoboken Explosion – Focus Now on Dismantling Building Destroyed by Explosion
Hoboken Explosion – Focus Now on Dismantling Building Destroyed by Explosion

Although there are some piles of rubble that still need to be searched, emergency services believe no one is left at the scene of the disaster. Only one person is still missing. “It is possible that he managed to escape and that he has not yet contacted us, for one reason or another,” says the spokesperson for the Antwerp fire zone, Ninke Neyrinck.

The search continues at random, but the main part of the work now consists of continuing the demolition of the building “to ensure the safety and stability of neighboring buildings”, explains Ms Neyrinck. Work was expected to continue until 8:00 p.m. and will resume on Saturday if necessary.

Most local residents will be able to spend the night at home. “Only residents of buildings located right next to the building concerned will still be accommodated elsewhere,” specifies the spokesperson. “They will nevertheless have the opportunity to return home while they gather the things they need.”

The latest report from the explosion shows four dead, three seriously injured, two lightly injured and one person missing. An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the explosion.

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