why is the production of one liter bottles stopped?

why is the production of one liter bottles stopped?
why is the production of one liter bottles stopped?

Remember, we covered this news on Net-Actuality… The Nestlé group found itself in a very delicate situation. Indeed, E-coli contamination had occurred in several of the group’s operating locations. Thus, several brands found themselves impacted. To make water marketable, there is only one solution… Treat it to eliminate the pathogen. And this is where the problem lies. These brands in question are sold under the name natural mineral water. Except that this name implies that the water has not undergone any treatment. The only solution is to change the name or close the sites. In the case of the Perrier brand, this is precisely what is happening. In addition, two other puncture sites were closed. Nestlé has indicated that it will disinfect the sites, following the outcry this caused. However, Radio France and Le Monde indicate another version.

Perrier: Towards a name change?

According to these two other media, Perrier had to completely review its plans. Thus, they explain that Nestlé would consider distributing a new brand: Maison Perrier. In addition, the latter would no longer have the name natural mineral water. Indeed, among its drilling in Gard, 4 wells would be subject to interruption, or even change. As a result, Perrier has decided to stop its production of the classic one-liter Perrier bottle. While they represent their main sale. A situation which raises fears of job loss for its employees. Furthermore, the company held an exceptional meeting this Thursday, March 13. With the aim of determining the future of the sites and the best decisions to be made. To be continued…



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