Donation ceremony, coupled with the launch of the mineral charcoal popularization campaign: 600 gas cooking kits and bags of mineral charcoal for the benefit of FDS widows

Donation ceremony, coupled with the launch of the mineral charcoal popularization campaign: 600 gas cooking kits and bags of mineral charcoal for the benefit of FDS widows
Donation ceremony, coupled with the launch of the mineral charcoal popularization campaign: 600 gas cooking kits and bags of mineral charcoal for the benefit of FDS widows

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On Thursday, June 13, 2024, the Ministry of Energy distributed free gas kits and bags of mineral charcoal to widows of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) at SONICHAR headquarters. This activity, coupled with the launch of the gas and mineral coal popularization campaign, is organized with the support of the Gas Cell and the National Coal Carbonization Company (SNCC). The ceremony was chaired by the Minister in charge of Energy, Professor Amadou Haoua in the presence of members of the Government and the Managing Director of the City of Niamey.

On this occasion, the Minister in charge of Energy underlined the importance of this ceremony which, she said, is to share on this eve of the Tabaski festival, moments of joy with these women who suffer in dignity and faith the effects of the loss of those they hold dearest in the world, namely: their husbands who fell on the field of honor. Professor Amadou Haoua also underlined the objectives assigned to this operation which are, among others: limiting the negative impacts of excessive consumption of wood energy on the environment; encourage the use of gas to preserve plant cover; encourage the opening of gas depots and energy stores to facilitate recharging; slow down the advance of the desert by reducing logging; alleviate the suffering of women linked to the use of wood; mitigate the vulnerability of FDS widows.

As for the popularization of mineral charcoal, the planned actions aim, according to Professor Amadou Haoua, to increase its use in particular through the sale of 3,500 40 kg bags or 140 tonnes of mineral charcoal to the populations; the creation of 17 points of sale to be close to consumers; raising awareness of the population on the use of mineral charcoal mainly focused on demonstration sessions of the lighting technique, improving communication on this product through the dissemination of awareness messages on the media.

The Deputy Administrator of the City of Niamey, Colonel Boubacar Soumana Garanké welcomed this initiative which aims to bring smiles to the widows of the martyrs and brothers in arms who sacrificed their lives for the security of our country and our people. He indeed paid deserved tribute to these martyrs whose courage and dedication inspire the Nigerien people to work for a better and lasting future. “This distribution demonstrates our recognition of the sacrifice they have made and our commitment to supporting their families,” said the Deputy Administrator of the City of Niamey.

Also, the use of domestic gas has many advantages. This fuel is not only cleaner but also more efficient. “By choosing gas we considerably reduce air pollution inside our homes and beyond that we protect our health and that of our loved ones. On the other hand, mineral coal is much more than economical and is an alternative that helps reduce deforestation and climate change. The preservation of our forests is therefore crucial to fight against desertification and protect our biodiversity,” explained Colonel Boubacar Soumana Garanké.

Aïchatou Hamma Wakasso (ONEP)



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