Romain Molina: “There are opportunists around the Girondins who are waiting for things to flow before they resume”

Romain Molina: “There are opportunists around the Girondins who are waiting for things to flow before they resume”
Romain Molina: “There are opportunists around the Girondins who are waiting for things to flow before they resume”

© Iconsport

“Division and rule everywhere”

The independent journalist says he does not know if the DNCG will accept a file with a new debt in sight. For him, this remains uncertainty.

Romain Molina on his YouTube channel: “We hear that Gérard Lopez would have the solution, it’s like last year. We’re talking to you about a new debt, the question is “is the DNCG going to let another debt go by?” is an uncertainty, because no one really knows.

For a very long time, what has saved Bordeaux has been its training center. As during Bordeaux’s first season in Ligue 2, at the very beginning, it was with the young people that Bordeaux performed. This is what saved Bordeaux. But the season is apocalyptic given the resources put in, the club is completely divided, even among the supporters, it’s dramatic. In fact, it’s been divide and conquer everywhere. It’s very unhealthy.”

“All the information that comes from Bordeaux, you don’t really know where it comes from”

Still according to journalist Romain Molina, people gravitating around the Girondins remain on the lookout to take over the club if things go badly. But to talk about Bordeaux with certainty, he says he remains cautious about the information he receives on this subject.

“Nevertheless, the problem is that there are a lot of opportunists around the club who are waiting for something to happen, which is for it to start again.”

“For the news, I remain cautious, because all the information that comes from Bordeaux, you don’t really know where it comes from and what is true or not. For too long, there have been lies. So I prefer abstain.”

>> Mercato: Henri Saivet (Ex-Girondins) signs for a new club

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