Aurélie Casse: Lovers, ambitions and trials… everything you need to know about the rising TV star

At 38, which she celebrates on June 14, 2024, she is the rising star of French journalism. Having moved from LCI to BFMTV and now to France 5 where she hosts the show “C l’hebdo”, the young woman displays talent, ease and determination which undoubtedly promise her a great career. However, when the cameras turn off, she cultivates great discretion. Who is she really on a daily basis? Who does she live with? What challenges did she go through? Purepeople tells you more!

Aurélie Casse: Lovers, ambitions and trials… everything you need to know about the rising TV star

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Every Saturday, at 6:55 p.m. Aurélie Casse and her team return to C the weekly, on the events that marked the news. A meeting that the journalist, who passed through C à vous for a few months and who had no problems with Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, contrary to what certain rumors claimed, illuminates with her good humor and her talent. But who really is this rising figure in the news who also cultivates discretion? WhileShe celebrates her 38th birthday this Friday, June 14, Purepeople reveals everything you didn’t know about her.

In Mauritius, between injustices and homesickness

Aurélie’s father, a computer scientist, is originally from Mauritius. When she was around ten years old, the little girl and her parents went to live there for a year and a half. And it was a shock. “I discovered what poverty was, she explained in 2022 to Télé-Loisirs. One day I saw where the children I played with every day lived: a small room without water. Yet they were like me. The injustice jumped out at me.The experience had not been easy, far from France where she had spent her early years, she also explained to Gala last February having had “homesick“Which does not prevent her from returning every year to this territory of the Indian Ocean where she has her origins and where her grandmother, Cécile, still lives. “She is a strong woman, who had to make not easy choices. I greatly admire“, she said again to Gala

Victim of harassment and racism

If today, most observers praise her talent and her beauty, in her youth, Aurélie Casse experienced much darker times. While it is hard to imagine today seeing people criticize her physique, she was nevertheless the subject of strong mockery in her tender years, as she confided last January to the Tribune Sunday. “I was made fun of a lot at school, she explained. My facial features, especially my strange nose, were sources of mockery. Casually, it pursued me for a long time“But worse than these infantile sarcasms, our sister also experienced racism.”I knew that my skin color was not the same as that of others. But I didn’t see it as a problem. Well, I hadn’t yet understood that it could be one“, began Aurélie Casse before specifying in what context this racist attack took place. At the time, the figure skater Surya Bonaly was a very famous star. “We talked about it a lot in the schoolyard. remembers the young woman. I heard a few students make despicable comments about the color of his skin. Until a girl in my class turned towards me to make a racist remark so abominable that I still can’t pronounce the words to this day.“Faced with this remark, the journalist, about whom false news has long been spread, says today that she failed to keep her cool. “Without being able to control myself, I got up to shake her quite hard. I recognize that this violent gesture was not the best response. But I had to act.“Asked to explain herself by the teacher, Aurélie then tells the whole class what she has just suffered.”The next day, Aurélie Casse concludes, she called the parents of the students… I was never bothered again.

His companion, a man in the shadows

His private life or his loves? “Nobody cares, I want to keep this garden secret“, she warned in the pages of Gala at the beginning of the year. The fact remains that a few days ago, the journalist appeared with a handsome, slightly bearded guy in the stands at Roland Garros. Not surprising since the gentleman is a sports journalist. We won’t know more. Aurélie Casse just blurted out this sentence last January to a colleague from the Tribune Sunday who asked her if in private life she was wild: “Ask my companion. I don’t think I’m complicated to live with but I’m quite wild, with a very strong character. It always takes a little time to get used to it.

Aurélie Casse loves animals

My Jango, I see your sick body rising with joy at the sight of your green necklace, the necklace of happy memories, of endless walks in the forest; these sweet moments will never come back…“On July 28, 2023, his message on Instagram moved everyone who knows the joy of having a pet. After months of struggle, life had just abandoned Jango, his beautiful Labrador. A heartbreak for his mistress , great friend of animals.A dog loves you madly. Me, with animals, I feel so good. We have a lot to learn from them“, she recently explained to Gala by recounting that this passion dates back to her childhood, when her father took her to the Vincennes zoo and that at home, due to a lack of dolls, she had a whole family of stuffed pandas. From now on, she consoles herself with her cat, Jojo and dreams of making an animal documentary.

While waiting to drive the 8 p.m. race, she enjoys watching Jacques Legros

Given the extent of his popularity and his experience, both at BFMTV, channel that she left with tears in her eyes, that on France Télévisions, many journalists ask her if she would agree to sit in the chair of an 8 p.m. presenter. Her response, even if she specifies that it is not on the agenda, does not vary, as she confided to the Tribune Sunday:If one day I find myself faced with such a proposition, it’s hard to say no. You have to be Mélissa Theuriau to give it up. And what follows proves him right. I really admire her documentaries, which she always produces in a committed manner.“While waiting for someone to call on her services, she enjoys watching her colleague Jacques Legros:”When I come across his news, it directly captures my attention. I feel like I’m at his side, like he’s walking through my TV screen.

The journal of C the weekly is a good living!

Aurélie is always the first to want to go dancing or burst out laughing. She’s a good living“, said last February Eva Roqueone of the columnists of C the weeklyhas Gala. A version which seems confirmed by the link that Aurélie Casse established with Charlie, the boss of La Cagnottebar, where she had her habits when she lived in the Belleville district, to the point that the owner of the establishment became his friend. “I love Charlie’s incredible laugh, she said in particular to Gala. Hearing it is already a guarantee that we will have a good evening with my friends. And it has the best arranged rums in Paris!” “I don’t want to sound like a big pocket, but for those who like mixed rums, spicy rums, this is the right place!” she also confided to the Sunday Tribune.

Absolute fan of Sofia Loren

When opening the account X (formerly Twitter), by Aurélie Casse, the background photo, behind her portrait, immediately sets the tone, it is a capture of the Italian film Two nights with Cleopatra, with Sofia Loren. If the journalist is a fan of Italian cinema, she has real admiration for the actress she would love to interview: “She embodies the beauty and strength of character of Mediterranean women. The most beautiful place in the world, I think it’s on his shoulder!Every September 22, the actress’s date of birth, Aurélie wishes her happy birthday on her social network. A true cult.



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