Éric Zemmour excludes Marion Maréchal from Reconquest

Éric Zemmour excludes Marion Maréchal from Reconquest
Éric Zemmour excludes Marion Maréchal from Reconquest

Eric Zemmour’s “triple fault”

During a press briefing held a little earlier, Marion Maréchal was very harsh towards the president of her party, describing Éric Zemmour’s desire to present Reconquest candidates against the National Rally as a “triple fault”.

“Presenting Reconquest candidates in legislative constituencies means taking the infinite risk of winning Macronist or far-left deputies,” she said, refusing to “participate in yet another division of the right.”

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“Disgusted and hurt”

Éric Zemmour refuted: “I am and will always be for the rally. I affirm that Reconquest and I are ready to withdraw candidates in the event of an agreement with the RN, the LR and all other parties of good will. On the networks, he described himself as “disgusted and hurt”.

Between Éric Zemmour and Marion Maréchal, the dissensions have become increasingly clear in recent days. He increased the attacks on the National Rally while it showed itself more inclined to openness. On Tuesday, negotiations between Reconquest and the RN ended up being abandoned.

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“World record for betrayal”

On Wednesday, Marion Maréchal launched: “We refuse the principle of divisive candidacies”, against the alliance concluded between the excluded Republican boss Éric Ciotti and the National Rally.

She was accompanied by Guillaume Peltier and Nicolas Bay, vice-presidents of Reconquête, as well as Laurence Trochu. Like her, all three were elected Reconquest MEPs on Sunday.

“They should hand in their mandate, they are four MEPs who betray all our activists 48 hours after their election. “It’s the world record for betrayal,” criticized Éric Zemmour.

Read also: Excluded from the Republicans, Éric Ciotti says: “I remain the president”

4 members invested by the RN

After Marion Maréchal’s declaration, the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, big winner of the European elections, welcomed “a responsible declaration which goes in the direction of a patriotic dynamic to win and to act tomorrow”.

The day before, he had directly attacked Éric Zemmour, believing that “the invectives he has multiplied against the National Rally and the sometimes very excessive positions he can take have made the conditions for an agreement obsolete”.

Several sources have also confirmed information from the JDD according to which four members of Reconquête, reputed to be close to Marion Maréchal, won a National Rally nomination for the legislative elections on Wednesday.

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