World Blood Donor Day: WHO says thank you to volunteers

World Blood Donor Day: WHO says thank you to volunteers
World Blood Donor Day: WHO says thank you to volunteers

In 24 hours, the international community will celebrate World Blood Donor Day. After twenty (20) years of volunteering, the World Health Organization (WHO) says thank you to the actors. In a press release dated yesterday, Wednesday June 12, the source said that all stakeholders will unite around the theme “20 years of celebrating blood donation: thank you to all blood donors! For WHO”. The 20e anniversary of World Blood Donor Day is a great opportunity to thank blood donors around the world for their regular, life-saving donations and to pay tribute to them for the profound influence they have on both patients and on donors. Now is also the right time to address continuing challenges and accelerate progress toward universal access to safe blood transfusions.

For this edition, the emphasis will be placed on awareness, through a campaign whose objectives are, among other things, to thank the millions of voluntary blood donors who contribute to the health and well-being of millions of people in the world and pay homage to them; to present the results obtained and the difficulties encountered within the framework of national blood programs and exchange best practices and lessons learned; d emphasize the continued need for regular, unpaid blood donations to achieve universal access to safe blood transfusions; and promote a culture of regular blood donation among young people and the general public and expand the blood donor base while making it more sustainable.




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