the parties of the “popular front” in full negotiations to arrive at a common program

the parties of the “popular front” in full negotiations to arrive at a common program
the parties of the “popular front” in full negotiations to arrive at a common program

Jean-Luc Mélenchon candidate for Marseille? The hypothesis causes tensions on the left, in the Marseille city

The announcement by Release that Jean-Luc Mélenchon could once again be a candidate for the legislative elections in Marseille is causing a stir. According to the daily, the leader of rebellious France, elected in 2017 in the 4e constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, would this time seek a mandate in a neighboring constituency, the 5e. A mandate held until the dissolution on June 9 by one of the three LFI deputies of the city, the doctor in ecology Hendrik Davi, 46 years old, reputed to be close to Clémentine Autain.

“Twelve hours ago, there was no question of this. We know that Hendrik Davi is not very appreciated by the management of LFI but no one was talking about a candidacy from Jean-Luc in the circle”is surprised by a “rebellious” activist who is very active in the sector.

The outgoing, who in 2022 conquered this city center constituency held in turn by the ex-UMP Renaud Muselier and the socialist Marie-Arlette Carlotti, had planned to announce his candidacy to the press at 11 a.m. this Thursday 13 June. A campaign launch that he decided to postpone until 5:30 p.m. “I don’t believe this rumor at all. If it were true, I think Jean-Luc would have at least called me” ensures World Hendrik Davi.

If he admits that he did not have confirmation of his inauguration – “none of the leavers have it yet” he notes -, the ex-MP says he cannot imagine his ouster, “two weeks away from potentially seeing the far right come to power”.

According to Release, the potential second parachute drop of Jean-Luc Mélenchon – after the triumphant one of 2017 against the socialist Patrick Mennucci – could provoke a reaction from the left-wing mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan. At the start of the week, the councilor went to Paris to meet the various leaders of the left and advocate a coalition based on the Marseille Spring model.

Thursday June 13, Benoît Payan and his teams remained unreachable. At the departmental federation of the Socialist Party, where the influence of the mayor remains real, certain executives nevertheless give substance to his potential candidacy. “The 5e is an LFI constituency and we do not claim it for the PS. But Hendrik Davi is a deputy who did his job and Marseille is not a colony”we get annoyed.

Among the elected representatives of the Marseille Spring, which brings together socialists, ecologists, communists and citizen collectives, the face-to-face potential is disconcerting. “What is Payan doing? He declares war on La France insoumise when it made 21% in his city? It promises for the municipal elections,” launches an environmentalist framework.

Gilles Rof (Marseille, correspondent)



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