Legislative elections 2024. Registration on the electoral lists, proxy, we explain how to vote on June 30

Legislative elections 2024. Registration on the electoral lists, proxy, we explain how to vote on June 30
Legislative elections 2024. Registration on the electoral lists, proxy, we explain how to vote on June 30

The campaign for these early legislative elections will be the shortest that the Fifth Republic has ever known. Will those who were unable to register on the electoral lists for the European elections be able to do so by the first round on June 30? How and to whom should you give proxy to vote in your place? We take stock.

This had not happened for twenty-seven years and Jacques Chirac’s failed bet. This Sunday, June 9, President Emmanuel Macron called for the dissolution of the National Assembly. New legislative elections will be held on June 30 and July 7.

The names of the candidates will be known this Sunday evening. The campaign for the legislative elections will therefore begin on June 17. A lightning campaign is coming for the parties who must refocus on the issues of this new election leading to the election of the 577 deputies of the new National Assembly.

If politicians must organize themselves, so must voters. Some may not have been mobilized for the European elections or, for various reasons, were not able to register. Faced with this new call to the polls, is it still possible for them to do so in order to be able to elect their deputy on June 30 and July 7?


The French are once again called to the polls on June 30 and July 7, 2024 for early legislative elections.

© L.Cagnato / France 3 Aquitaine

Can we still register?

The prefectural services, like the town halls, have confirmed this to us: it is no longer possible to register on the electoral lists for this legislative election. The explanation? The rule states that you must register at least six weeks before election day.

If you do not know whether you are registered to vote from June 30, you can find out via the “Query your electoral situation” teleservice.

The reference and address of your polling station are written on your electoral card. If you have lost your voter card, but you are registered, an identity document is enough to fulfill your duty as a citizen.

How to make a power of attorney?

These early elections will be held at a particular time. It’s the end of the school year, exam period, moving and going on vacation… For those who are registered, but will not be present at their voting site, they can use a proxy to entrust the task of voting to a trusted person on the day.

Unlike registrations, there is no deadline for establishing a power of attorney. It can be done online at maprocuration.gouv.fr, at a police station, a gendarmerie or at the consulate. Make sure you have in your possession the voter number of your proxy, i.e. the person to whom you have entrusted your vote, as well as their date of birth, or all their civil status data and their voting commune. .

For this power of attorney to be valid on voting day, you must first have your identity verified, online via the France Identity website, or by going to an authorized authority (police officer, gendarme or agent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
The proxy must then be taken into account by your voting municipality or consulate, so that the name of your proxy is included on the signature list.specifies the dedicated site.
Faced with the rapid deadline for these elections, the best thing is to get started as soon as possible.


In the case of a proxy, your proxy must go to your polling station to vote for you, whether or not he or she is from your municipality.

© L. Cagnato / France 3 Aquitaine

I am a proxy, can I vote for the person in my polling station?

Please note, you can give power of attorney to any trusted person, but there are some rules to respect.

Please note, you must both be registered on the electoral roll to have the right to vote in the same elections. “For example, for the presidential election and the legislative elections, the representative must be a voter of French nationality.specifies the government site.

Can we make a power of attorney in another department?

If someone has given you a proxy, you must be able to go to their polling station on election day. Indeed, since January 1, 2022, it is possible to appoint a representative who is registered on the electoral lists of another municipality or another consulate than you, while respecting the conditions above.
So, if you vote in Bordeaux, you can give proxy to a voter who votes in Dax, even if this municipality is located in another department. Pay attention to distances and office opening hours: this voter will have to come to your polling station on election day to vote in your place.

If you do not know of an agent who meets these conditions, you also have “the possibility of addressing the political party of your choice. Political parties can in fact offer to put principals in contact with agents ready to take their power of attorney.

Only one power of attorney per agent… except exceptions

The rule implies a “maximum limit of proxies for a given election: except in special cases, an agent can only have a power of attorney established in France“.

An agent can therefore have:

  • Either 1 power of attorney established in France;
  • Either 1 power of attorney established abroad;
  • Either 1 power of attorney established in France and 1 power of attorney established abroad;
  • Or 2 powers of attorney established abroad.

Here too, you can check at any time the proxies you have been given on the online service Ask your electoral situation.

In any case, please note that it is also possible to consult the candidates’ professions of faith online.



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