how can we overcome the resource crisis together? – Unia, the union

how can we overcome the resource crisis together? – Unia, the union
how can we overcome the resource crisis together? – Unia, the union

The research project of the University of Applied Sciences of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI) demonstrated that long-term care is in a vicious circle. Due to strict financing of care, nursing staff lack the time to provide comprehensive, quality care as they see fit. And with the difficult working conditions that reign there, we are witnessing a real exodus in the care sector while demographic developments are leading to a meteoric rise in the need for quality care and support.

Specialized conference

Our society faces the challenge of ensuring dignified care and support. A “manifesto for quality care” is being developed based on the results of the SUPSI study. We will present the conclusions and demands during the conference.

When: Saturday August 31 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Or: Olten Municipal Theater, Frohburgstrasse 1, Olten

We wish discuss and outline the challenges and solutions to the resource crisis with as many stakeholders as possible because we are convinced that we will not be able to meet this challenge of dignified care for the elderly only in a broad alliance and not alone as a union.



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