European elections 2024: this commune of Côte-d’Or did not give any votes to the RN

European elections 2024: this commune of Côte-d’Or did not give any votes to the RN
European elections 2024: this commune of Côte-d’Or did not give any votes to the RN


Inès Cussac

Published on

June 10, 2024 at 4:07 p.m.
; updated June 10, 2024 at 5:02 p.m.

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The Côte-d’Oriens, like all Europeans, were heading to the polls this weekend. Sunday June 9, the RN won in France during the European elections. In Côte-d’Or too, the far-right party has made a breakthrough : 33.39% of voters voted for the list of Jordan Bardella.

Very strong participation in Côte-d’Or

52.5% of French voters turned out to elect their representatives to the European Parliament. This is the first time that the participation rate has been this high since 1994. In Côte-d’Or, it even reached 57.26%. Only 1.32% of blank votes and 1.23% of invalid votes were also counted.

Behind the RN, the lists of the Macronist representative Valérie Hayer and the PS and Public Place of Raphaël Glucksmann were unable to convince the Côte-d’Oriens. Only 14.84% of the votes cast were in favor of the Renaissance candidate and 13.21% for the PS-Place publique candidate.

Only one municipality blocks the RN

The major cities of Côte-d’Or also voted mainly for the RN. In Dijon, the far-right party came first with 21.2% of the votes as in Beaune (32.2%) or even Montbard (40.8%).

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HAS Chenôve And Bargain on the other hand, it’s the LFI party who came first in the polls with 26.6% and 21.4% of the votes.

Only one commune in the Côte-d’Or has done barrier at the RN by not giving any votes to the far-right party. The inhabitants of Saint-Anthot voted 31.8% for the head of the list Manon Aubry tied with Valérie Hayer.

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