A day around disability

A day around disability
A day around disability

This is new for the CCPS. On Wednesday June 12, she will organize a day around disability. The goal ? Promote the inclusion of children with disabilities.

On Wednesday June 12, the community of communes of the Solesmois region will offer a unique day around disability. “This is a first for the CCPS“, indicates Justine Saracino, communications manager at the CCPS. This will be held in the Gérard Carlier room from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

On the agenda are meetings with experts in the field of disability, to address the various aspects of the issue, from legislative advances to accessibility initiatives. These interventions will shed light on current issues and possible solutions to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities, in all aspects of daily life.

Workshops during the day

Alongside the meetings, the event will offer interactive workshops where participants will be able to experience different disability situations, in order to better understand the obstacles these children face on a daily basis.

These fun and educational activities will help break down prejudices, encouraging everyone to adopt a more inclusive and caring perspective.“, explains Justine Saracino.

At the same time, musical performances and other forms of artistic expression will highlight the diversity and contributions of these individuals to culture and society.

This event will be an opportunity to strengthen ties by offering participants the opportunity to meet, exchange and build lasting relationships.



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