“My job is to remind people that everything is fragile,” Ugo Mola said with great caution on the eve of the final

“My job is to remind people that everything is fragile,” Ugo Mola said with great caution on the eve of the final
“My job is to remind people that everything is fragile,” Ugo Mola said with great caution on the eve of the final

The lack of experience of the Bordelais against Toulouse does not visibly affect their confidence, according to what we learned from Maxime Lucu’s comments at the press conference. And this strong experience, on the other hand, leads the Toulouse people to advance cautiously until this final, because the enthusiasm of the UBB can also very well make the difference. Doubt remains in any case with Ugo Mola, who spoke about the final at a press conference.

I don’t know if experience can really be measured, you know (…) In recent years, the Union Bordeaux-Bègles has fought to find a place and the credit goes to Laurent Marti and his teams. The experience of some against the inexperience of others, it would be too simple to only talk about that before this match (…) Personally, with the doubts and concerns, I have the impression that this is my first final . Everyone has their share of doubts. It’s part of rugby.

Doubts and yet, Ugo Mola and his players always display so much serenity during such decisive matches, that it could discourage the opponents opposite. But the manager of Stade Toulousain does not change his guiding principle at all and constantly hammers home that one should never give in to overconfidence.

My job is to remind people that everything is fragile and that everything can stop very quickly. Maxime Médard, for example, sent us a message reminding us that after 2012 and before 2019, he had to wait seven years to win again (…) This feeling of invulnerability is nourished by the fact of realizing each qualification , of what we accomplish.

“I coach guys who are incredible”

Ugo Mola, it is perhaps his role to make his players understand that nothing is owed and that no one is invincible. But it is also his role, sometimes, to savor the fact that he coaches a rather sensational team, whose reputation is no longer to be made in France or even abroad. Especially when we have an Antoine Dupont as leader.

The coach has already shown his admiration for his players on several occasions, and his pride in being able to train them. He allowed himself a few more good words for them this Thursday, not without teasing them, to sting them a little. Without any malice.

Guy Novès managed the crème de la crème of rugby for more than twenty years and I have that chance today.

(…) I find this generation exceptional especially in its attitude. I often judge the intention a little more than the action and I train guys who are incredible. Will they mark the history of the club forever? I wish them well but I think there are still a few titles missing (laughs). There are still a few missing…

To sum up

The lack of experience of the Bordeaux team against Toulouse clearly does not affect their confidence. And on the Toulouse side, this experience should not erase caution, as Ugo Mola reminded the press. It is his role to ensure that his players, however gifted they may be, keep their feet on the ground.



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