Bonnetable. Success of the painters’ day

Bonnetable. Success of the painters’ day
Bonnetable. Success of the painters’ day

The painters’ day organized by the Intercommunal Cultural Association of Bonnétable was a great success during National Garden Day, taking place in the magnificent Bonnétable Potager Garden.

This event attracted many visitors, who came to admire the works of the artists present and discuss in a friendly atmosphere.

The painters drew great inspiration from the beauty of the Vegetable Garden. The flowered paths, the wrought iron greenhouse dating from the 19th centurye century, and old stables were particularly popular subjects, allowing artists to create remarkable works.

At midday, the painters and the organizing team met to share a meal in an atmosphere of frank camaraderie.

The meal, rich in exchanges and laughter, strengthened the bonds between all the participants.

An exceptional setting

Jean-Claude Pizy, president of the association, shared his enthusiasm: We are delighted with the success of this day. Seeing so much passion and talent brought together in this exceptional setting is a real pleasure. The exchanges between the artists and visitors were rich and inspiring.

His partner and friend, Serge Saillant, head of the organization, added: The friendliness and availability of the painters really marked this day. Artists and painting enthusiasts had the opportunity to share their experiences and their varied techniques, such as oil, watercolor, pastel, and many others. The discussions were passionate and enriching, with everyone revealing the secrets of their artistic journey.

Like the previous year, all the painters were rewarded for their participation with a gourmet basket containing delicious local products. This is our way of thanking artists for their commitment and creativity, explained Jean-Claude Pizy.



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