four departments in the southwest still on orange alert for “rain-flood” and “thunderstorms”

four departments in the southwest still on orange alert for “rain-flood” and “thunderstorms”
four departments in the southwest still on orange alert for “rain-flood” and “thunderstorms”

The time of this Sunday, June 9 will be marked by thunderstorms which could give rise to heavy rain in the south of the country. Four departments will still be on orange alert : Gers, Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Hautes-Pyrénées. The rest of the territory will benefit from mild weather, according to Météo-France.

This rainstorm activity will fade over time, and it is on the south-eastern quarter that the stormy activity will regain strength in the afternoon, first on the Massif Central then extending fairly quickly to the east of the Rhône with locally significant accumulations in a short time. More scattered thunderstorms will also break out in the afternoon from Burgundy to the Jura and southern Alsace.

The coast of PACA and Corsica will be spared from storms with moderate winds blowing up to 60 to 70 km/h for the tramontane and a southerly wind of 40 to 50 km/h at peak going towards the Côte d’Azur . Finally, north of a Biarritz-Strasbourg line, the weather will remain calm and sunny overall. The northerly wind will help keep temperatures below 25 degrees, particularly in the South-West which will lose almost ten degrees compared to the day before.

In the south-eastern quarter we will find maximums between 25 and 28 degreesup to 29 in Southern Corsica. The minimums will range from 8 to 14 degrees in the northern half and from 15 to 18 in the south, 18 to 20 in the Mediterranean.

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