Argenteuil Val de Seine Cycling “up to par” – News

Argenteuil Val de Seine Cycling “up to par” – News
Argenteuil Val de Seine Cycling “up to par” – News

It’s the perfect day for Argenteuil Val de Seine Cyclisme. After the individual success of Edgard Berthelemy this morning on the road stage, it was in the team time trial in the afternoon that the Ile-de-France residents added a second victory, on the Côte d’Or Classic Juniors (see ranking). In an exercise much appreciated by the structure. “Everyone dreams of a day like this with two victories. If someone had offered it to me this morning, I would have signed straight away, but I didn’t believe it”rejoices the logical leader of the general classification, who despite everything had the perfect scenario in the back of his mind. “I laid the foundations this morning, saying that the team could win the time trial. We were up to the task, quite solid”.


Also a member of the winning team, Arthur Alexandre was one of the four survivors of this time. “We left quite quickly. Unfortunately Antoine Capelle fell this morning and ended up in the hospital. Arthur Levasseur was not having a good day so we finished with four, but he gave everything for us, and we came seek victory 20 seconds ahead of Villefranche Everyone gave their maximum in relays of 15 to 20″, and if we felt strong we lengthened a little.”, he says. For Edgard Berthelemy, inflicting such a gap on VC Villefranche Beaujolais is revealing. “Winning 20” ahead of a big team, with the reigning French Champion, is still great. It’s nice and we consolidate our title of best team in the team time trial”.

This Saturday afternoon, we had to be very careful with the conditions. “It was wet. We really didn’t take any risks in the technical turns. In the straight, there were fewer dangers. The water splashing on the helmet visors was still annoying but it was fine”explains Edgard Berthelemy, while his teammate Arthur Alexandre experienced these visor problems. “It was a bit of a hassle but I expected to see less. Halfway through the time, I threw away my visor because with the heat of my body it was becoming difficult to see through it, and I ended up with some mud in the eyes”. But nothing ever stopped their progress. “At the intermediate stage, we had a 13” lead, which boosted us until the finish. In the bump, we knew it was going to be the decisive moment”thinks Edgard Berthelemy.


A perfectly managed moment at the conclusion of an ideal time. “We know each other, we’re used to riding together on this exercise, we must have done almost 30 times per team, training and competitions combined. It’s bearing fruit. It’s been an Argenteuil specialty for many years. years and we were keen not to disappoint the staff who give everything for us, we had to return the favor”, greets the winner of the morning. As a result, Argenteuil Val de Seine Cyclisme is omnipresent in the general ranking. “We are 1, 2, 3 and 4 overall. It’s a great operation, now it’s time for a good recovery this eveningbreathes Arthur Alexandre. We will try to control the race so that Edgar keeps the jersey, and that we occupy the first four places overall.”.

The leading team of the DV Junior Challenge will be able to count on Edgard Berthelemy’s knowledge of the field. “I know tomorrow’s course well, which I already did in the Coupe de France last year. The bump is quite hard, and can make the difference. We will have to be sure of our strength and it will be up to us to be on defense. With a little margin, just in case. “I have about 30” lead for the last stage. It’s going to be control, to arrive in front or in a sprint to lose as little time as possible and win the general.”. And achieve a first success in the general classification of a UCI event. “Winning a UCI is not every weekend that you can do it, so when you have the opportunity, you must not deprive yourself and give everything, so as to have no regrets tomorrow at the arrival”.



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