Laval National Day without fireworks, but less polluting

The traditional fireworks of the big National Day show in Laval will not take place in 2024 for environmental reasons and the money dedicated to this production has been reallocated.

Jean Desautels, president of the Société nationale du Québec à Laval (SNQL) was very clear during an interview at Marché 440 during the launch of the event: two arguments explain the withdrawal of the fireworks which usually animate the anniversary of the Quebec.

“Environmentally, [les feux d’artifice], it pollutes, he explains. We have been told this on different occasions; So, this year, the City of Laval decided that we would not have fires and I think it was a wise decision. The other thing is that fireworks come around the time of forest fire season and we remember that last year it was a really serious problem. […]. We didn’t want to do anything that could contribute to fueling these forest fires.”

According to the president, the budget previously devoted to pyrotechnics was reallocated this year to artists, since “the caliber has increased.” He also mentioned that the organization was considering converting the event into a drone show in future editions.

On the municipal side, the story is not exactly the same.

“This year, the City of Laval has decided to do something different and innovate,” writes Jonathan Lévesque, public affairs advisor, by electronic communication. The traditional bonfires will be replaced by breathtaking arrangements throughout the evening to create spectacular effects that will build to a surprise performance to close the evening in style!”

These arrangements would be new for the National Day, but their nature remains unknown, as the City wishes to maintain the element of surprise.

Participants at the launch of the National Day were able to hear excerpts of Quebec songs performed by Patrice Massicotte, who will also perform in Laval on Sunday, June 23. (Photo courtesy – Martin Alarie)


Remember that National Day will take place on June 23 and 24 in the Laval region. The major show at the Nature Center will take place on Sunday, June 23, in the evening.

Across the island, 12 other neighborhood celebrations will take place over these two days.

“This day is a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of our national pride,” declared the president of the SNQL at the launch held in early June. Together, we celebrate not only our past, but also our shared future. This National Day is a time to remember what unites us and what makes our strength and our identity. May this day reflect our nation: rich in color, diversity and community spirit.”

In the usual order: Céline Haytayan, MP for Laval-des-Rapides, Yannick Langlois, municipal councilor for L’Orée-des-Bois, Jean Desautels, president of the SNQL, and Patrice Massicotte, singer. (Photo courtesy – Martin Alarie)

The spokesperson for the 2024 edition of the Festival is the actor Benoît McGinnis who grew up in Fabreville.

Laval Dictation

The SNQL also took advantage of the launch of the National Day to announce that it would now be in charge of the annual Laval Dictation, formerly under the direction of the Association Québec France Laval.

The event will be held on Sunday, November 10. More details to come.

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