REPLAY. “We will collectively honor the challenge of intelligence”: find the solemn declaration of Louis Mapou

REPLAY. “We will collectively honor the challenge of intelligence”: find the solemn declaration of Louis Mapou
REPLAY. “We will collectively honor the challenge of intelligence”: find the solemn declaration of Louis Mapou

Nearly four weeks after the start of the riots in New Caledonia, the president of the government Louis Mapou addressed the Caledonians in a solemn declaration. A speech to be found on replay.

President Louis Mapou addressed Caledonians this Saturday. An expected speech, almost four weeks after the start of the riots which left Le Caillou in mourning and damaged the New Caledonian economy and society.

12:04 p.m. – This is the end of this live, thank you everyone for following it. The replay of this statement by Louis Mapou is now available, if you wish to watch or rewatch the speech.

12:02 p.m. – “We will thus collectively honor all those who lost their lives yesterday, and today. And we will also collectively honor the challenge of intelligence, so dear to Jean-Marie Tjibaou and the handshake he had with Jacques Lafleur”concludes Louis Mapou.

12 p.m. – “We must rebuild a new link that takes Caledonia out of the trappings of the colonization system that we still perceive in the way these events are handled”continues the president.

11:59 a.m. – “I asked friendly countries for support for reconstruction”he says. “This crisis has affected New Caledonia in its flesh and in its soul”estimates Louis Mapou, who asks “to those who can to positively influence these events”.

11:58 a.m. – “I wrote to the President of the Republic to request that financial support guarantee the needs for the next three months”announces Louis Mapou, who considers that this support is currently insufficient.

11:56 a.m. – “I call on those responsible for the CCAT to lift the roadblocks and blockades and stop all abuses even if their mobilization has contributed to raising awareness. The perpetrators of the offenses and abuses must be apprehended on both sides.”

11:54 a.m. – “It is important that the President of the Republic speaks in favor of withdrawing this law which has caused him so much harm in order to replace it with a law” more global. “This is the same appeal that I also made to the customary Senate and its leaders, but that will not be enough, we must get back to work to find this long-awaited global agreement”continues the president.

11:52 a.m. – “These events have in some way signified, from my point of view, the end of life of this law. By affirming that it would not pass in force, the President of the Republic has also in some way, in responsibility, tolled its death knell .”

11:50 a.m. – The State “must agree that this constitutional law goes against the grain of the recent history of Caledonia”.

11:48 a.m. – Regarding constitutional law, “events have shown that the path taken since 1988 must not be diverted in any way”estimates Louis Mapou, according to whom the news “should in no way be used for power purposes”.

11:47 a.m. – “I call on our youth to be humble and respectful in the face of this heavy legacy and this heritage which was built by their parents and their elders”continues the president.

11:46 a.m. – Louis Mapou addresses the independence components, evoking the UC without naming it: “I ask them to commit to working with the entities, CCAT, which are their emanation for a de-escalation towards peace”.

11:45 a.m. – “I do not want to believe for a single moment that the emancipation for which we have been working for so many years is built on the destruction of what we have already achieved (…) Everyone must now question this heavy toll” .

11:42 a.m. – He scratches the draft constitutional law modifying the electoral body, drawing a parallel with the Lemoine statute of 1984, “as if 35 years later, we had retained nothing of our History”.

11:40 a.m. – The president points “management too measured” including the FLNKS, and denounces “the one-upmanship” of the Rally and the Loyalists.

11:36 a.m. – A thought, also, “for families whose homes and belongings have been burned or ransacked”.

11:35 a.m. – The president begins by addressing “his most saddened thoughts and condolences, on behalf of the government, to the eight families who are in mourning”, confirming at the same time an 8th death which occurred this morning.

11:34 a.m. – Louis Mapou takes his place, a few minutes late, in front of the microphones and cameras of the local media.

11:30 a.m. – Everything is in place for the declaration, which according to our information, should last around twenty minutes. The president is expected any moment.



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