Too expensive, often disrupted or on strike… Here is what the French think of the train, according to a survey

Too expensive, often disrupted or on strike… Here is what the French think of the train, according to a survey
Too expensive, often disrupted or on strike… Here is what the French think of the train, according to a survey

“Too expensive”, “not flexible enough”, often disrupted or on strike… The National Federation of Transport User Associations (Fnaut) published on Friday the results of a survey carried out to find out the expectations of the French regarding screw of the train.

Over the last twelve months, one in two French people say they have taken the train at least once. According to Fnaut, the real growth potential for switching users from the car to the train lies on journeys between 100 and 300 km. Over this distance, 69% of those questioned said they would opt for the car, compared to 20% for the train. Between 300 and 500 km, “the train is seen as an alternative to the car”, assures Fnaut, since 27% of travelers say they give it priority compared to 56% for the car (and 8% for the plane). Beyond 500 km, the plane takes the advantage over the rail mode with 29% of users compared to 18% for the train (and 46% for the car).

Fnaut identifies “a significant carryover potential for the train” if we change the way the French view this mode of transport. She believes, for example, that strikes and disruptions “probably have a much greater impact on the French’s perception of the train”, especially those who do not use it, compared to reality. Fnaut offers awareness campaigns to counterbalance this trend.

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But among non-train users, the main obstacle lies in the price, particularly that of the TGV. 75% say that this mode of transport “is not cheap”. The average price of the TGV (excluding Ouigo) remained stable according to Fnaut between 2018 and 2022, with the price of an average journey being “a little above 40 euros”.

“On the other hand, the average price of Ouigo has increased significantly, going from 23 euros to 31 euros” over the period, assures the president of the association, François Delétraz. He also deplores “that the increase in the Ouigo offer is to the detriment of the Inoui offer”, and thus disadvantages holders of Avantage or Liberté cards, which are not valid on Ouigo journeys.

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“Access to stations is also a major obstacle”, underlines Fnaut with 77% of French people saying “it is difficult to park your car at the station”, 66% who share this opinion for cycling and 62% who find the walk to the station unpleasant. The survey was conducted by Ifop among 2,003 individuals representative of the French population aged 18 and over.



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