EXCLUDED – Les 12 coups de midi: this big problem that Emilien still cannot overcome

EXCLUDED – Les 12 coups de midi: this big problem that Emilien still cannot overcome
EXCLUDED – Les 12 coups de midi: this big problem that Emilien still cannot overcome

Émilien may have become the king of 12 Coups de midi, but he still cannot overcome a problem since the start of his adventure. A complex that he confided in an interview with Here.

Emilien is now the undisputed master of 12 shots of noon. Since June 3, the 21-year-old has officially dethroned Bruno Hourcade to become the biggest player on the TF1 show with 254 participations and 1,103,971 euros in prize pool. A great achievement for the History student who, however, has still not achieved his exploits in the game he joined on September 25. Since he broke all the records, Jessica’s companion calmly continues its path in the competition, still hoping to achieve victory against its competitors. Always very intimidated and stressed as soon as he sets foot on the stage of Jean-Luc Reichmann’s program, the champion can count on the physical or video presence of his loved ones, always there to play the supporters.

Emilien no longer watches Les 12 coups de midi

If Emilien strings together victories and records in The 12 strokes of noon, however, he still has not completely gained confidence. While he watched the show on TV very regularly, since he took part in it as a candidate, the midday master no longer deigns to switch to the first channel at lunchtime. As he had already confided to Here is, impossible for him to see his image on the small screen. “I watched the very first show and I stopped because I’m not completely comfortable looking at myself. It’s always special to watch a video of yourself or hear yourself. There, it’s both and what’s more, we know it’s broadcast and we’re not the only one watching. So I stopped very quickly!” he explained.

A champion still very complex

No less than 254 participations later, Emilien has unfortunately still not overcome his complex. “I still don’t look“, he lamented, while revealing that he had not even made an effort to watch the show where he had exceeded a million euros. For him, it is always extremely complicated to deal with his image “There are a lot of people who have difficulty viewing even one photo or video.he explained. There, it’s exactly the same!“The young man is therefore counting on his loved ones to admire him on the small screen. Which they have been doing with pleasure and emotion for more than 8 months now.



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