Conner Rousseau cuts short campaign event in Ninove: what local police say about the interruption

The local police in Ninove, in East Flanders, did not ask Conner Rousseau to end the campaign event in which he participated on Wednesday evening in a café.

The head of the area, Wim Pieteraerens, made this clear on Thursday. The former president of the Flemish Socialists, who is running in the elections for the Flemish Parliament in East Flanders, was quoted by the Nieuwsblad on Wednesday as saying that he had to leave prematurely because “a gang is coming and there are not enough police to guarantee my safety”.

Conner Rousseau actually interrupted his speech, left Café Ragtime earlier than expected, and was escorted by police officers to return to his car. According to the commander, the police did not, however, ask to put an end to the event. “It was the organizer and Mr. Rousseau who made the decision”.

Conner Rousseau reacted Thursday, specifying that according to him the local police present had advised to stop the meeting, a “listening evening”. “There was a gang who threatened me”relayed the former party president via social networks. “They (the police) could no longer guarantee my safety.” A story that was nuanced by the commander the next day. The police officers present, five in number according to him, did not report any scuffles, but rather the presence of a few passers-by who booed the socialist from the entrance to the café. There is no indication of a “gang” determined to fight, according to the police.

Conner Rousseau’s entourage indicated Thursday that there were six people who remained for half an hour in front of the café, saying offensive words. They left just before the police arrived. The five officers who arrived on site indicated that there would be only two left an hour later, “so they advised stopping the event”he confirms.

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