the left-wing candidate Pierre Larrouturou will vote for a list other than his own

the left-wing candidate Pierre Larrouturou will vote for a list other than his own
the left-wing candidate Pierre Larrouturou will vote for a list other than his own

In a video published Thursday on his social networks, the head of the “Change Europe” list, from the New Deal party, considers that he “will not be re-elected on Sunday”.

This is a baroque announcement, to say the least, three days before an election. Estimated at 0.5% of voting intentions in the latest Ifop-Fiducial “rolling” for Le Figaro , LCI and Sud Radio, the head of the “Change Europe” list Pierre Larrouturou announced that he will not “not re-elected on Sunday”, in a video published Thursday on his social networks. MEP since 2019, he considers that his “The campaign was very difficult.” In question ? THE “major media where it was very difficult to be heard.” He is “obvious that we will not pass the 5% mark, that we will not be able to be elected”.

While Marie Toussaint hovers dangerously just above 5% of the votes, she risks sending no elected officials to Strasbourg. Pierre Larrouturou argues that “this can be played with 1000 voices”. “Raphaël Glucksmann is sure to be elected and get a very good score, Manon Aubry is sure to be elected and get a good score,” he judged. And to worry about a possible disappearance of environmentalists from the French delegation: “We also risk losing five green deputies in the European Parliament and giving three more elected representatives for the extreme right and the right.” Reasons why he will vote for the competitor EELV, “the only useful vote”, “without any pleasure, but without any hesitation”.

Pierre Larrouturou, however, calls on his supporters to “continue the fight” after June 9 “for the four-day week, (the) 32 hours without loss of pay, to live better and create jobs. (For) autonomy allowance for all 18-25 year olds like in Denmark. (For) a referendum to have more resources for the climate”the spokesperson for the left-wing New Deal party.



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