VIDEO – Anthony Delon cash on his quarrel with his sister Anouchka: “The conflict is behind”

VIDEO – Anthony Delon cash on his quarrel with his sister Anouchka: “The conflict is behind”
VIDEO – Anthony Delon cash on his quarrel with his sister Anouchka: “The conflict is behind”

Anthony Delon chose the path of literature to exorcise his sorrows. On the occasion of the release of his novel RailAlain Delon’s son was invited to the set ofAs an aside to answer Nathalie Levy’s questions.

The journalist took the opportunity to question the French artist about his family troubles. As a reminder, in November 2023, the latter filed a complaint against his sister Anouchka, whom he accused of having concealed the negative results of their father’s cognitive tests, of which she claims she was not aware. A month later, her brother Alain-Fabien also filed a complaint, maintaining that the thirty-year-old employed “scoundrel methods” to intimidate him and his brother.

“I would like not to talk about it anymore, the conflict for me is behind it” said Anthony Delon. Before continuing: “I have always expressed myself with frankness. The fight was over the fact that my father remains here, in France, in Douchy, at home. And today that’s where he is. So if you want for me Today it’s over. So there will be collateral damage, that’s for sure, but my fight is over.”.

PHOTOS – Alain Delon: Brigitte Bardot, Romy Schneider, Mireille Darc… These women who marked his life

Alain Delon: everything you need to know about his Douchy estate

As Anthony Delon indicated on the set ofAs an aside, it is in his domain in France that the sacred monster of cinema rests. A 120 hectare property located in the town of Douchy-Montcorbon, in the Loiret. There, the actor finds a certain serenity: “The rural setting comforts him”writing Evening Mag July 13, 2023. Far from the divisions that agitate his clan, it is in the chapel of the building that Alain Delon has indicated he wants to rest eternally. “My brother and I want (our) father’s wishes to be respected. My father built this house with Mireille (Darc) 40 years ago. Douchy is his home. He wants to end his days in Douchy” explained his son Anthony Delon in an interview with Paris Match on January 3, in the middle of a legal battle with his sister Anouchka.

Photo credits: Canal +



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