what the ECB decision will change in the lives of the French

what the ECB decision will change in the lives of the French
what the ECB decision will change in the lives of the French

06:11, June 6, 2024modified to

06:50, June 6, 2024

The European Central Bank is expected to lower its rates this Thursday, a first in five years. This decision will have a positive impact for French people looking to borrow to buy real estate. Good news for them, less so for those who save.

A first in five years. The European Central Bank is expected to lower its rates this Thursday. This decision, especially if it is repeated this year, will have a positive impact for French people looking to borrow to buy real estate. Good news for them, less so for those who save.

A drop in rates would automatically reduce the profitability of several investments, starting in the coming weeks for the regulated savings accounts so popular in France. Booklet A as well as the sustainable and solidarity development booklet will have a small reprieve.

Always good deals to be had

Their rate of 3% is guaranteed until January 31, but they should experience the same fate from February 1, 2025. On the other hand, concerning life insurance, the ECB decision should not have a major impact for the moment. There are always good deals to be had, explains Patrick Thiberge, general manager of Meilleurtaux Placements. “Today, for a saver who has cash that he wishes to invest, invest in a life insurance contract in a euro fund on which the insurer guarantees a 4.60% for example over 2024 and 2025, there , you have this enhanced rate for two years. So the opportunity is interesting and you shouldn’t miss it.”

Finally, the last victim of the expected drop in rates: term accounts. The average rate should fall below 2.5% for an account lasting one year.



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