Halsey announces she has cancer in heartbreaking post

Halsey announces she has cancer in heartbreaking post
Halsey announces she has cancer in heartbreaking post

This Tuesday, June 4, after several weeks of absence on social networks, Halsey revealed in an Instagram post that she suffered from lupus (inflammatory disease which causes joint and muscle pain) and leukemia (cancer of the blood) by identifying two associations dedicated to the fight against these diseases, “Lupus Research Alliance” and “Leukemia & Lymphoma Society”. She also announced her next album by unveiling a new single. “To make it short, I’m lucky to be alive. To make it long, I wrote an album. It starts with ‘The End'”, she wrote in the caption.

Aged only 29, the American singer has shared moving videos in which we see her in tears, with her head shaved due to chemo, or even undergoing her treatment in hospital. In one, she massages her legs and complains that she “feels like an old person.” Despite these difficult images, she remains hopeful and gives herself two more years before getting better. “When I’m 30, I’ll be reborn, I won’t be sick anymore, I’ll be super sexy and I’ll have lots of energy“, she promised herself with determination.

Selena Gomez also has lupus. Over the past ten years, she has regularly talked about it on her social networks. She had to be hospitalized for the first time in 2013, interrupted her tour in 2016 and underwent a kidney transplant in 2017. There is no real cure. In addition to these illnesses, Halsey previously revealed that she suffered from endometriosis and various syndromes.

Many fans were keen to give him their support in comments: “You are so strong“, “I will love you until the end of time. You are so strong H, we will get through this together“, “Oh little angel we love you and we support you tenderly! Thank you for sharing something so personal with us. We will always love you“.



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