Gulf of Morbihan: despite cardiac massage, a woman dies on a sailboat

Gulf of Morbihan: despite cardiac massage, a woman dies on a sailboat
Gulf of Morbihan: despite cardiac massage, a woman dies on a sailboat


Florian Tiercin

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 6:54 p.m.

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Sunday June 30th 2024, a woman lost her life in the Gulf of Morbihan. Emergency services could only confirm her death despite cardiac massage.

Cardiac massage for a septuagenarian

At 1:08 p.m., the firefighters warned the CROSS Etel that the “nascimo sailboat, located between the island of Irus and Arradon, reported that a no one on board is in difficulty. »

The CROSS Etel immediately engaged the semi-rigid SNS 339 which went to contact the crew of two people. Noting the distress of a 71-year-old woman, its personnel began to provide cardiac massage and simultaneously requested medical reinforcement.

Atlantic Maritime Prefecture

Death of the boater

Another speedboat goes to the site with a team of firefighters from the departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) and a team from the mobile emergency and resuscitation service (SMUR).

At 2:22 p.m., despite the assistance provided, the victim’s death could only be noted by the SMUR doctor. The SNSM of the Gulf of Morbihan adds:

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The team members noticed that the victim was in cardio-ventilatory arrest and began cardiac massage.

SNSM Gulf of Morbihan

The body was repatriated to land at Port-Blanc in Baden for collection by the police and funeral directors.

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