Paris: when suspicion of adultery degenerates into a terrible murder with a drill

Paris: when suspicion of adultery degenerates into a terrible murder with a drill
Paris: when suspicion of adultery degenerates into a terrible murder with a drill


Antoine Blanchet

Published on

June 5, 2024 at 7:36 a.m.

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Sadistic crime or brawl that ends badly? This Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the trial of a 43-year-old man begins, tried for an ultra-violent murder committed with a drill. The accused faces a sentence of 30 years of criminal imprisonment.

An altercation that descends into horror

It’s in privacy from an apartment on rue de l’Ourcqin the 19th arrondissement, that the crime occurred on September 23, 2020. The accused, a Chinese national who arrived on French territory for 15 years, worked as home repairer. Shortly before the incident, the latter repaired a woman’s mobile at her home.

According to the accused, the intervention will cause a misunderstanding. The client’s husband, thinking that the latter had had a relationship with the repairer, will go to the accused’s home to fight it out. Armed with a hammer, he attacks the forty-year-old and a violent fight begins. The latter will end in tragedy. The repairman told investigators that he defended himself with a drill. He will then deal fatal blows to the jealous husband. Interestingly enough, the accused films the murder which he sends to the victim’s partner.

The cries of this death struggle alert a neighbor. Seeing traces of blood in the corridor, the latter calls the police. On site, law enforcement discover the victim’s corpse. Holes are found in his feet and stomach.

Released after a procedural hiccup

Suspicion then falls on the telephone repairer, tenant of the crime scene. Arrested, the accused quickly confesses. Judicial information, but to everyone’s surprise: the suspect is released. Having not been presented to the investigating judge within the regulatory time limit, he benefits from this procedural hiccup.

Despite this criminal fiasco, the accused was placed under surveillance by the investigators, who, after a week, finally authorization to question him again. The suspect is then indicted for murder.

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