“She screeched and honked”: a mother stabbed in the head by a driver for refusing priority

“She screeched and honked”: a mother stabbed in the head by a driver for refusing priority
“She screeched and honked”: a mother stabbed in the head by a driver for refusing priority

the essential
A mother and her children were attacked by a driver who had failed to give priority and against whom the mother had honked her horn. She suffers from a 10 cm wound on her skull.

“Aurélie came close to death […] If she had not lowered her head, the injury could have been fatal.” Damien is still in shock. His wife Aurélie and his children “are traumatized.”

Last Wednesday, the mother picked up her two little girls aged 7 and 10 from their gymnastics classes. On her way home, she arrives at a roundabout in Orange in Vaucluse. “A woman came crashing down, cut him off and almost crashed into him,” says the father. “My wife screeched and honked to show him it was dangerous.”

The driver at fault gets out of the car. The tone rises between the two women. The driver returns to her vehicle, grabs an Opinel-type knife and stabs the mother in the head. The children watch the whole scene from the car, prostrate. The youngest thinks her mother is dead. The story was confirmed by the gendarmerie. The driver at fault “has gone completely crazy”, assures Damien, Aurélie’s husband, Dauphiné Libéré.

The mother has a 10 cm wound on the top of her head. Treated by emergency services, she had to receive 7 stitches. If Aurélie tries to recover from this episode, the little girls are not doing well. The oldest has nightmares every night.

“A real vacation”

The driver behind the stabbing was tried in immediate appearance. She was sentenced to 12 months in prison divided into 8 months suspended prison time and 4 months under an electronic bracelet. “A real vacation,” jokes Damien. The family does not understand why the courts did not impose a prison sentence. In court, the driver’s family made fun of the distress of Aurélie and her daughters. The driver’s relatives even presented certificates to assure that she was a good person. A next hearing is scheduled for October to determine the damages to be awarded to the mother.



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