Success for the 2nd Day of free tree distribution in Vimont

Success for the 2nd Day of free tree distribution in Vimont
Success for the 2nd Day of free tree distribution in Vimont

For the second time, a free tree distribution day was organized in the Vimont district. The event took place on Saturday, May 18 at Parc Prévost, as part of Tree and Forest Month.

This initiative, focused on preserving the environment and promoting tree planting, aroused the enthusiasm and commitment of a large number of citizens.

Indeed, many Vimont residents participated in this special day aimed not only at distributing trees, but also at educating themselves in a fun way about the benefits of the forest.

This day held by Valérie Schmaltz, MP for Vimont, was also supported by several community partners, such as Femmes en Emploi, Plantaction, Pierre Brabant, municipal councilor of Vimont, Les Amis du Bois de Naples and Doctor Joaneson Lacour, environmental expert, who was able to answer residents’ questions related to trees throughout the day.

“Nature was kind, giving us a beautiful day for the distribution of trees,” said Mirlaine Dorcé-Breton, general coordinator of Femmes en Emploi, via press release. Doctor Lacour’s conference inspired me to reflect on this: the tree is at the heart of our existence and essential for the environment. We need to plant more trees and take care of them, which will help us prevent floods and heat waves. This reminds me of the quote from Taha-Hassine Ferhat: “The tree is generous: it offers its shade to creatures, in times of heat, when they need it most.”

The MP thanks the young people of the 709 Vimont-Auteuil Squadron, who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the event.

“I really enjoyed my day, it allowed me to do some volunteer work,” said a cadet from 709 Vimont-Auteuil Squadron, in a press release. I gave trees to everyone, which gave me intense joy because I was able to give back to my community. I learned a lot. I now know that 1/3 of the oxygen is produced by trees.” (CP/IJL)



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