5 sneaky signs you absolutely should not ignore

5 sneaky signs you absolutely should not ignore
5 sneaky signs you absolutely should not ignore

Appendicitis affects just under 10% of the population, which is why certain symptoms that can nevertheless lead to serious consequences are not known. Here are these five signs that should invite you to consult!

It is not always easy to recognize a disease based on its symptoms, and some of them have very similar signs, such as gastroenteritis and food poisoning, which can have serious consequences and lead to complications. This is the case of theappendicitis which we do not always know how to identify very well on our own. As a reminder, this is a “sudden inflammation of a diverticulum in the right colon called appendix”. “It is due to its obstruction, in particular by fecal matter. Occurring mainly in young people under 20 years of age, it causes severe pain in the lower abdomen, on the right”we explain on the site ameli.fr.

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It must be said that appendicitis only affects a minority of people, as recalled by Huffington Postspecifying that approximately 8.6% of men and 6.7% of women being diagnosed during their lifetime. And they must be particularly careful because acute appendicitis can have very serious consequences such as perforation of the appendix, which can then lead to an appendix abscess or peritonitis. It is therefore advisable to keep informed of the various symptoms that may indicate it to avoid any deterioration. What’s more, half of them have little-known signsaccording to Doctor Kiran Turaga, professor of surgery at the Yale School of Medicine (near New York).

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Symptoms as common as they are misleading

Doctors interviewed by our colleagues reveal that five symptoms are particularly sneaky, like gastroenterologist Supriya Rao of Lowell General Hospital. According to him, patients affected by appendicitis “can suffer from constipation or diarrhea. “These may be unexpected symptoms that you need to pay attention to”, he explains. He also suggests that one can suffer from lower back pain. In this case, “It’s normal to feel like the pain isn’t going away.”. “The bad news, however, is that the pain can also extend to the right side of the back”. Which could lead to spinal problems and other more chronic back problems. The Doctor also insists on the fact that some people can even feel this pain in the hamstrings or rectum.

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Finally, Supriya Rao emphasizes that the pain caused by appendicitis does not go away on its own and “usually gets worse with movements such as bending, sneezing, or coughing”while Kuran Taraga reveals that another symptom of appendicitis that is even less easily associated is that of loss of appetite. “It is often an early sign of appendicitis”he said.

Many complicated forms of appendicitis

In all cases, it is recommended to consult your doctor when one or more of your symptoms appear. In the event of severe abdominal pain or fever, do not hesitate to go to the emergency room to consult a specialist, recommends Doctor Kristy Ziontz, emergency physician at Hackensack Meridian Health Bayshore Medical Center.

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Appendicitis most of the time requires surgical intervention to be cared for. This is a common operation and does not pose any particular risks. In 2009, “the country was, in descending order of interventions, eighth out of the 22 countries of the European Union”according to the Health Insurance website. “However, the number of appendectomies on French territory has decreased”it is specified, from 162,700 in 1997 to 92,000 in 2009, and just over 80,000 in 2012, according to the latest data collected. “Uncomplicated appendicitis constituted on average 56% of all acute appendicitis and complicated forms on average 44%we stipulate, which amounts to saying that it is therefore necessary to remain vigilant to detect it.


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