the clan war within the family of the accused

the clan war within the family of the accused
the clan war within the family of the accused

Third day of the trial for the murder of nurse Karine Foucher and her patient Jacques Samson, this Monday, June 3, before the Loiret Assizes. On the stand, several family members of the two accused, a brother and a sister, demonized one and angelized the other, and vice versa. Faces of a family more than divided.

Him, “he is a good person, a very good father, he is very kind“. While, “she’s a manipulator, a black widow“. And then, finally, him, “he’s not all pretty and rosy, he’s aggressive“. While she, “he is someone who has a big heart“. This Monday, June 3, the morning saw four family members of the two accused of the double murder of nurse Karine Foucher, and her nurse in Châlette-sur-Loing, in October 2019.

On the third day of the trial, Safa, sister of Fazia and Messaoud Megchiche, and three daughters of the accused, gave their respective visions of their sister, brother, mother or uncle. Clear visions, radically opposed, bordering on Manichaeism.

It is 10 a.m., Safa Megchiche takes the stand. In the dock, Messaoud seems awake, much more than during the previous two days of trial. Sometimes he finds himself smiling widely. And rightly so: for two hours, Safa paints an almost idyllic portrait of him. “He is very nice, he is a very good father, he couldn’t have done that, I know him by heart.” A drug ? “Yes, but a little drug addict, he has one dose per day that I provided him, for 60 euros.“Either one gram of cocaine or two grams of heroin, the drugs he himself admitted to using.

And, even though her brother admitted to having driven the vehicle of the killed nurse, in which her body was transported to the place of her discovery, Safa does not want to believe it. “It’s not possible.“For her, it’s someone else. However, her DNA was found in the car.”He may have driven her later.

We read to her passages from a telephone conversation, listened to by investigators, that she had shortly after the events with her brother. Discussion during which she confesses suspicions as to the involvement of the two accused in the double murder. “The phone recorded anything. He skips words. You’re not going to understand what we’re saying, and another word will be used.

She also refutes the suspicions she may have expressed when questioned in police custody at the end of 2019.The two police officers pushed me so that I said it was Messaoud“, she maintains.

She does not deny, however, her theory at the time: Fazia would have pushed her brother to accompany her for the money, he did it for the drugs. “You always think so“, asks the general advocate, the prosecutor of Montargis, Jean-Cédric Gaux. “Yes, except for drugs.

She will do anything for money.

Safa Megchiche, sister of the two accused

Fazia’s manipulation of her brother is something she cares about. She assures that she has always maintained “good reports“with her sister, but bluntly describes her as “manipulative“. Fazia says she was beaten by her brothers when she was a teenager? “Never, we were in a good family with a good education.” She said he saw it”drifting, drinking a lot of alcohol, going out every night“For her, Fazia is an alcoholic, but her brother is just one.”little drug addict“.

Quite the opposite of what Fazia Megchiche’s three daughters, who came to testify in turn, say. “He sometimes drinks, but on certain occasions which lend themselves to it.“Messaoud, him,”took drugs every day“One of the girls said he did heroin and cocaine in front of them when he was staying with their mother.”When my mother saw this, she would tell us to go to our room.“The eldest, however, claims to have already seen her mother.”roll on the ground“under the influence of alcohol.”I took care of her, that’s normal, I’m the eldest.

The three girls claim to have had complicated relationships with their uncle when he lived with them. “Violent, no. Aggressive, yes.“One describes a man who uttered to them.”threats“, Who “hit my brother for nothing“.”My mother doesn’t know everything“, she assures. “He is nervous, impulsive.“Two of the girls remember a day when Messaoud told them he had killed a man, before the facts were judged.”He was in withdrawal or he had just consumed, I didn’t believe it at all.“Safa?”A mythomaniac.

He is an inveterate thief, he has committed more burglaries than you have fingers to count on one hand.

One of Fazia Megchiche’s daughters

The attorney general reveals an extract from the testimony of one of the girls before the gendarmes, in 2019.He gets angry very quickly, he’s a jerk“, he reads. The witness giggles as she reads her own statement, before apologizing. Facing another of the girls, he reads another extract, also dated 2019: “Messaoud, I would say he is nice, nice. He helps me with my homework. He is there for us.” “That was at the beginning“, she tries to justify herself.

But lawyers note that the vocabularies of the three girls are very similar. Two say their uncle is “not all pretty, all pink“, and describe their mother as having “a big heart“.”She’s like that, I’m not going to say it any other way.

Not sure that the debates significantly moved things forward this Monday morning. The only observation: the Megchiche family has polarized into two clans. Like the two accused, who put the entire facts on the other’s back.



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