how to resume sport?

how to resume sport?
how to resume sport?


After one year, for people aged 55, it would reduce the morbidity rate by 25% and postpone the period of disability which occurs at the end of life by approximately 2 to 3 years. At the Saint-Luc Bouge Clinic, adapted services allow patients to return to activity in complete safety.

Dr Bayens, doctor in physical medicine and rehabilitation, reveals the positive benefits of resuming physical activity: “Before talking about resuming sport, we must talk about resuming physical activity. We spend too much time sitting in the car, at work, in front of our computer, in front of our TV or tablet, we need to get back on track. Many people are deconditioned, they have back pain. You need to get back into physical activity and move before returning to a more intense sport. »

To get back on track, you should choose your sport carefully: “The best is to start walking again, there is also cycling, swimming, Nordic walking with poles… You have to start with a physical activity based on endurance. Above all, people should do something they enjoy doing. The word “sport” can sometimes scare the patient. »

The first positive effects are quickly felt: “By walking for half an hour, there are already many beneficial effects for the patient and in preventing diabetes, obesity, cancer… And gradually, we can increase the activity. For a recovery, it is necessary to combine the endurance part and muscle strengthening to reduce the risk of injury. »




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