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Coffins discovered at the foot of the Eiffel Tower: mysterious messages, van… what we know about the investigation

Coffins discovered at the foot of the Eiffel Tower: mysterious messages, van… what we know about the investigation
Coffins discovered at the foot of the Eiffel Tower: mysterious messages, van… what we know about the investigation

On Saturday June 1, 2024, monument employees discovered five coffins not far from the Eiffel Tower. They carried mysterious messages referring to Ukraine. Three people were arrested.

On Saturday, the discovery of five coffins weighted with plaster at the feet of the Iron Lady caused a lot of talk. The messages they carry make direct reference to Ukraine, enough to make investigators suspect foreign interference.

A strange discovery

Saturday morning on the Quai Branly, near the Parisian monument, three people placed these coffins of “real size covered with a French flag”, said a Source close to the matter to AFP. The coffins “contained plaster”, she added.

The five macabre boxes all bore the inscription “French soldiers of Ukraine”. Or “French soldiers died in Ukraine”according to some media.

A meticulously prepared act

The driver of the van used to transport the coffins was later “arrested on the outskirts” of the Eiffel Tower, continued this Source.

The driver told police he had “been paid 40 euros to drop off individuals and cargo”, said a police Source. He would have arrived from Bulgaria the night before, she added.

In total, three people arrested

Two other people were then arrested at a bus station in Paris as they were preparing to “take a bus to Berlin”added these sources.

The arrested are of Bulgarian, Ukrainian and German nationality, detailed the Source close to the case, specifying that an investigation was “under way to determine possible foreign interference”.

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed that the nationality of the suspects and indicated that they were still in police custody on Sunday for “premeditated violence”.

Suspicions of foreign interference

Investigators are concerned about possible foreign interference. It wouldn’t be the first time. Two weeks ago, the Chained Duck revealed that the red handprints found on the Holocaust memorial in Paris had been made by Bulgarians commissioned by Russia.

Likewise, these facts are reminiscent of the Star of David tags on the facades of buildings in Paris last November. An investigation carried out by the Viginum service – an organization combating foreign influence operations – demonstrated that these tags, made by a trio of Moldovans, were a Russian destabilization operation.



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