Evita Muzic: “I did what I could” – News

Evita Muzic: “I did what I could” – News
Evita Muzic: “I did what I could” – News

There was no miracle for Evita Muzic, but no disaster either, this Sunday, at the Alpes Grésivaudan Classic. If the course necessarily suited her qualities, she who was also the title holder, she did not arrive in the same conditions this year. “It’s a bit mixed, I’m happy with the result given my feelings today. I didn’t expect to have the best legs, I only got back on the bike on Monday after a week’s break so I knew it was going to be complicated I wasn’t the leader but I found myself doing the work anyway so I did what I could.”she sums up upon arrival.

Originally, FDJ-Suez had instead appointed Léa Curinier to carry the hopes of the WorldTeam. “She worked a lot for me so that made me happy. She was pretty good on the feet then she broke down. Cecilie (Ludwig) wasn’t great either so in the end our tactics were disorganized”. Evita Muzic was then propelled as leader of her team to try to get victory at the top of Chamrousse. “I lacked rhythm, everyone attacked me. I stayed at my pace. I knew that in the punch I could play for 2nd place but Marion (Bunel) was very strong”.

“I HAD THIS Lump in my Stomach”

Less than ten kilometers from the finish, it was in fact the runner from St-Michel-Mavic-Auber 93 who launched her attack. Neither Evita Muzic, nor Valentina Cavallar (Arkéa-B&B Hôtels), nor Julie Bégo (Cofidis) were able to react. “The other two were looking at me, I was being closely watched. I didn’t go there straight away and it was a bit buried. It was playing for 2nd place”. A 2nd place finally acquired by Evita Muzic in the sprint, far from Marion Bunel (see ranking). “It’s a little hard to get back on track. The goals are more distant. I’ve had to spend two weeks at home since January, so it was good to take a mental break, I needed it”says the one who was able to take advantage of her family.

In addition to the sporting aspect, Evita Muzic was also able to take the time to digest the recent selection for the Paris Olympic Games, in which she will therefore not participate. “I knew it for a week. It was quite tough mentally so I couldn’t wait for it to come out and to be able to express myself, even if I felt it coming several weeks before, I had this knot in my stomach”. Now she prefers to answer on the bike. “I will be vengeful to prove that I had my place. The Fed’s argument didn’t make much sense but I don’t prefer to dwell on it. That’s how it is”. In Catalonia, Switzerland or France for the National Championship and the Tour, Evita Muzic will not miss races.



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