Traffic disrupted on the A7 between Vienne and Chanas following an accident

Traffic disrupted on the A7 between Vienne and Chanas following an accident
Traffic disrupted on the A7 between Vienne and Chanas following an accident

Following an accident impacting the central reservation, traffic is currently disrupted on the A7 motorway between the Vienne Sud (No. 11) and Chanas-Saint-Rambert (No. 12) interchanges in both directions of traffic. .

South of Lyon, around 1 p.m. this Sunday, an accident involving a van with a trailer transporting vehicles occurred on the A7 motorway between the Auberives (N°11.1) and Saint-Rambert interchanges ( n°12) towards Marseille touching the central reservation. Traffic is therefore very disrupted in both directions, with only one lane available for traffic in the direction of Marseille and two in the direction of Lyon.

The following traffic management measures are in place on the A7 to avoid the area:
• In the direction of Lyon, recommended exits at Tain-L’Hermitage (N°13) or Chanas (N°12)
• In the direction of Marseille, exits recommended for cars at Vienne Nord (N°9) and Condrieu (N°10)

This accident caused 10 km of traffic jams in each direction of traffic.

Repair operations are underway, with the arrival of a specialized truck under police escort to evacuate one of the cars located on the central reservation using a crane.

Well in advance of the event, users are asked to avoid this area. To do this, at Valence Sud, you must leave the A7 and follow the direction of Grenoble, taking the Valence bypass then the A49. North of Grenoble, follow the direction of Lyon via the A48 and the A43. This route generates an increase of around 50 km and an additional toll cost. Itinerary valid in both directions.



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