Togo: 2 million trees to be planted for Arbor Day 2024

Togo: 2 million trees to be planted for Arbor Day 2024
Togo: 2 million trees to be planted for Arbor Day 2024


BUSINESS CREATION (more informations)

15th in the world and 1st in Africa on the Doing Business (DB) 2020 business creation indicator, Togo continues its reform dynamic, with new reforms…

EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS (more informations)

Still in the depths of the Doing Business ranking in terms of contract execution, Togo, driven by its dynamic of improvement of the business environment, has worked hard this year for a qualitative leap on this indicator of choice. Numerous reforms on the indicator of contract execution and the legal framework…

TRADE (more informations)

Better than in the past, Togo has significantly reformed the “Cross-border trade” indicator by adopting a battery of measures, with the digitalization of acts and procedures as a backdrop. These reforms mainly concern dematerialization and reduction of delays in imports and exports.

BUILDING PERMIT (more informations)

Having moved from 133rd place to 127th place on the “Obtaining a building permit” indicator in the 2020 delivery of Doing Business, Togo wants to repeat the same feat in the next edition of the global reference report on the ease of do business. A battery of reforms was set in motion this year in this direction.


Constantly progressing in Doing Business on this indicator for two years, Togo has once again armed itself this year for a top performance, as evidenced by the new reforms carried out to facilitate the connection to electricity and water for businesses. .

TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP (more informations)

Drastic reduction in deadlines, significant jump in Doing Business, the Property Transfer indicator is the one on which Togo has improved the most since 2018. Still in the depths of the ranking just two years ago, the country now aims the summit of Africa. Dethrone Rwanda. And to achieve this, there is no respite. A new series of reforms was launched in 2020 to keep the country on the trend of progression.

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT (more informations)
From the professionalization of the public procurement profession, to digitalization, through legislative regulation, the framework for public procurement in Togo is constantly being improved. Several reforms have been implemented to improve the subject to the great benefit of the private sector, the driving force of the National Development Plan.

PAYMENTS OF TAXES AND TAXES (more informations)
In line with the improvement of its business environment, Togo has introduced important reforms in the payment of taxes. From the replacement of certain taxes to the elimination of others through exemptions, the country has only one objective: to offer the most attractive tax framework to investors and economic operators. All this against the backdrop of teletaxation.



NEXT To lower electricity prices, the next government will have to change the rules