“This junk” that the Minister of Health wants to ban: what is Sniffy, the white powder to legally “sniff”?

“This junk” that the Minister of Health wants to ban: what is Sniffy, the white powder to legally “sniff”?
“This junk” that the Minister of Health wants to ban: what is Sniffy, the white powder to legally “sniff”?

The Minister of Health, Frédéric Valletoux, promised on Saturday May 25 the ban on a white powder to be inhaled through the nose presented as energizing which arouses controversy because its consumption is reminiscent of cocaine.

“We must ban it as soon as we can”

“I discovered this latest invention 48 hours ago, and I put in big quotes, of course, this junk that some people want to sell. I will actually see in the coming days how we can ban this type of thing,” said declared Mr. Valletoux on -.

“We must ban it as soon as we can,” he added.

“I will look at this very quickly with the services, starting this weekend. And as soon as we can, I promise you that I will be uncompromising on this,” he added.

ud83dudd34White powder sold in tobacco shops u27a1ufe0f “It’s annoying to see this kind of product sold to young people (…) we must ban it as soon as we can,” says Frédéric Valletoux. pic.twitter.com/Uerzpe0YrZ

— - (@-) https://twitter.com/-/status/1794261734212964408?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

“A white powder that you inhale through your nose? Although it may evoke forbidden pleasure, it is completely in compliance with the law,” boasts the Sniffy brand on its website.

Its product, which comes in several flavors, is sold on the Internet and at certain tobacconists. It would work for 20 to 30 minutes. The box is sold on the brand’s website at the price of €14.90 each. The powder comes with a pipette. It is prohibited for minors.

Depending on the brand, the product contains L-arginine, an amino acid, caffeine, creatinine, L-citrulline, taurine and even maltodextrin.

“We are against this product”

The publicity around this product has provoked indignation and condemnations from representatives of several professions, police unions and tobacconists and addiction specialists.

“The products that make up Sniffy are not banned substances, but my position is very clear and unambiguous. We are against this product,” declares Philippe Coy, president of the Confederation of tobacconists.

This estimates the number of tobacconists selling this product at “a few dozen at most”.

“Essentially this product is for sale on the Internet,” he added.

“Given the numerous reactions I have had in recent weeks, I very much doubt that many colleagues have succumbed to this temptation,” adds Mr. Coy.

“It’s annoying to see this kind of product offered to young people”

“It’s infuriating to see this kind of product offered to young people. It’s infuriating to see that ultimately those who, under the cover of products and a somewhat ‘no-nonsense’, slightly harmless discourse, are a bit ‘we has the right, it’s not dangerous, it’s original’, etc., try to attract young people to tobacco, drug consumption and ultimately to addiction,” declared Frédéric Valletoux.

“Almost sellers of death”

“It’s a constant race between almost the sellers of death, even if they will perhaps be angry with me for the expression, because it is a bit radical” and “the repressive apparatus which is the law who must always run after those who have funny ideas for our young people”, noted the Minister of Health.



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