Is Cyril Hanouna happy with the Touche pas à mon poste columnists? His unfiltered response

Is Cyril Hanouna happy with the Touche pas à mon poste columnists? His unfiltered response
Is Cyril Hanouna happy with the Touche pas à mon poste columnists? His unfiltered response

This Friday, May 24, 2024, Cyril Hanouna asked his columnists present on the set to express themselves by designating the most intelligent around the table. For his part, the host made some confidences about the one on whom his gaze is focused.

Screenshot Don’t touch my extension / C8

Cyril Hanouna is a teasing host and when he intervenes in Do not touch My TV, he does not hesitate to titillate his columnists. This Friday, May 24, 2024, he wanted to open his show by speaking directly to his team. Around the table, Valérie Bénaïm, Gilles Verdez, Raymond Aabou, Bernard Montiel and Géraldine Maillet had to answer a single question: “Who thinks they’re smart here?”, asked Cyril Hanouna. Then he clarified that he was not talking about culture, but rather about intelligence, to which almost all the columnists raised their hands. Going around the table, the presenter then asked to vote for the most intelligent columnist.

Géraldine Maillet in competition with…

Bernard Montiel was therefore the first to speak. Did he designate himself? “Ah no, I don’t have that pretension. You have always praised my lucidity so it’s Géraldine”, he admitted. Shared feeling for Valérie Bénaïm. For his part, Jean-Michel Maire did not hesitate to nominate himself, as did Polska, who, between them, provoked laughter from the public. But who designated Gilles Verdez? “It’s difficult to say, but Bernard Montiel.” Then Daniel Moreau also gave his vote to Géraldine Maillet. Is the columnist the smartest of the group?

That’s what his colleagues seem to think. But what does Cyril Hanouna, the leader on set, think? This is the question raised by Valérie Bénaïm. “And who do you think it is?”, she said. His response was instantaneous: “For me, it’s me.” “Apart from you, the smartest”, she added. A question which seemed to embarrass Cyril Hanouna, who wanted to quickly end the debate. “It’s me, and then I think you’re all stupid,” he laughed. A good way once again to make his columnists laugh, who didn’t take the joke badly.

Amaury, the new kid teased during his big premiere

Cyril Hanouna has fun with the elders, but not only that. Recently, the new recruit, Amaury Bucco, was the subject of the presenter’s teasing. The latter presented a chronicle on the visit to the Palace of Versailles by prisoners, but forgot to provide an image illustrating his remarks to the show’s teams. Hanouna, noticing the oversight, joked that it showed that Amaury was new. He pointed out that even asking for the images there was little chance of getting them, so without asking it was impossible. Despite everything, Hanouna seriously asked the management if they had the image, which was not the case, again causing laughter on the set.



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