The Grands Prix Artistes : our first two winners revealed

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The Grands Prix Artistes : our first two winners revealed

The opening pages concerning Chris Aerfeldt and Johanne Cinier in our book presenting the 30 artists in the Grands Prix preselection.

The Vox Populi Association, which organizes in association with Artistes Occitanie the first Grands Prix Artistes Occitanie, is able to reveal the names of the first two winners, in this case those who were acclaimed by the public during an online sale on Instagram.
We had planned one prize, but we will award two, because two female artists were both popular with the public, and we could not decide between them: congratulations to Johanne Cinier, from Sète and Chris Aerfeldt from .
The two competed in the “commitment to freedom” category and painted works resolutely focused on women, their creativity, their personality, their way of shaping the world and thus changing the experience of all.
Another point our two artists have in common: they are both followed and supported by the Castang Project gallery, in .
Immediate consequence of this happy coincidence: we suggested to Roger Castang himself to come on November 8 to present their prizes to these two artists who share both the favors of our public, and its gallery walls.

Roger Castang will therefore be with us on November 8 in the Moco amphitheater for this awards ceremony.
Patience, patience to now know the winners chosen by our jury in the different categories proposed: the artist committed to equality (societal or political causes), the artist committed to the environment, the artist committed to the territory , the artist engaged in the collective and the artist engaged in transmission.

The rest of the Grands Prix:

The fixed gaze, cat lady without children
150x150cm. Vinyl emulsion, Painting on linen 2024
Young woman in pants 170 x 138 cm. Mixed media on canvas. Velvet and cotton fabric, colored ink, pigment, acrylic, wood, recovered plastic. Framing with integrated LED lighting

The two artists visible at the Castang gallery, Perpignan, at the end of the year:

  • Johanne Cinier exhibits until the end of October
  • Chris Aerfeldt will in turn exhibit in December.



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