Tony Parker in court: his cases become complicated

Tony Parker in court: his cases become complicated
Tony Parker in court: his cases become complicated

What if Tony Parker could finally acquire the Les Gets ski area. Justice will give the answer in the coming months. As a reminder, the former NBA and San Antonio Spurs star decided to retrain in business at the end of his career. In fact, he wanted to acquire the Les Gets ski area.

A wish from the former sportsman, quickly stopped by the mayor of Les Gets, Henri Anthonioz. The town hall had in fact decided to abandon a public procurement procedure in progress in doubtful circumstances after an investigation by the public prosecutor’s office.

Tony Parker, illegally hit on the pole?

Indeed, the investigation reveals that the tender envelopes, opened discreetly, would have allowed the mayor to discover the offer from Alizée Lim’s companion. The latter would also have been higher than that of the mixed economy limited company, Sagets, whose CEO is Henri Anthonioz as underlined by Free Midday.

“The mayor, who undoubtedly thought that Sagets was going to be the only candidate, did everything to reject Tony Parker’s offer and keep control over the operation of the lifts”declared a trader as highlighted The Parisian.

Go to court

For his part, Henri Anthonioz, already in the columns of Parisiandefended himself: “After the submission of the envelopes on November 24, I told the lawyers at the town hall: you reopen the offers only to find out if they comply with the specifications. And I clearly said that I did not even want to know what what was inside”. Obviously, justice decided otherwise.

As our colleagues announce, Boris Duffau, prosecutor of Bonneville, in Haute-Savoie, has decided to send Henri Anthonioz back to court for “crime of favoritism”, “illegal taking of interest”, “interference in a public function” et “concussion by depositary of public authority”. In fact, justice will make it possible to decide and indicate who, the mayor of Les Gets or Tony Parker, will be able to acquire the ski area.



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