relive the debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella

relive the debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella
relive the debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella

As the European elections approach, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal debates with Jordan Bardella, head of the National Rally list for the June 9 vote, live, Thursday May 23, from 8:15 p.m. on France 2. This debate highly anticipated is hosted by journalist Caroline Roux as part of the program “L’Evénement, les Européennes 2024”.

Gabriel Attal accuses the National Rally of being bound by a “moral contract” with Russia. “Even though you have repaid your debt, you have a moral contract with them, said the Prime Minister. You are not free to vote and make decisions in the European Parliament.”.“It was not Marine Le Pen who received Vladimir Putin in Brégançon at his vacation spot, it was Emmanuel Macron”replied the RN MEP.

A “vote for or against mass immigration”, according to Jordan Bardella. “Mr. Attal, you have shattered all the immigration records one by one”accused the president of the National Rally who promises a “migratory turning point with a humane policy, but much firmer which should allow us to regain control of our destiny”. “We will never agree on immigration. It makes me proud to not agree with you on this subject”replied Gabriel Attal.

Gabriel Attal assures that Europe is “ahead” regarding ecological planning. On the ecological transition, the Prime Minister affirms that the European Union “is ahead of the curve on this subject and must continue to do so.” Questioned in turn on this theme, Jordan Bardella accuses the head of government of fixing “unrealistic environmental ambitions”.

The head of the RN list accuses the government of having weakened the nuclear sector. Jordan Bardella accuses the government of having “weakened our nuclear policy” and placed France in a “situation of energy dependence”. “It’s a chance for France to have nuclear power and this chance is maintained so we will continue to invest”replied Gabriel Attal.

Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella opposed on access to public markets. The National Rally MEP advocates national priority for access to public markets. “How do you resolve the problem of French companies which have public contracts in other European countries and which produce in France?”replied the Prime Minister.

Four leaders invited after the debate. The show then receives several top candidates in the elections of June 9, around the theme “More or less Europe?” : Manon Aubry (La France insoumise), François-Xavier Bellamy (Les Républicains), Marie Toussaint (Les Ecologistes) and Marion Maréchal (Reconquête). You can ask them your questions using this form.



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