“I have never seen this”: in Chavanay, the solidarity of residents after historic floods

The town of Chavanay, in the , was particularly hit by the bad weather which affected the region.

Mud invaded the streets and water swept away the city’s bridges after the Valencize flooded.

In the aftermath of the disaster, solidarity is organized to help the victims.

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Storms, thunderstorms, floods… the weather is getting carried away in

“I’ll bring you guys a little snack.”. On the Place de Chavanay, in the Loire, it is time for cleaning. The town saw torrents of water and mud carry away everything in their path after the violent bad weather which hit part of France, Thursday October 17 and Friday October 18. This Saturday morning, residents noted the damage and tried to bring the city’s streets back to life.

Winegrowers, traders and craftsmen are mobilized to clean everything alongside residents. Christophe grew up in Chavanay, and when he learned of the damage caused by the Valencize flood, he did not hesitate for a single second. “It’s completely normal for a Chavanois to do this and help local residents. Maybe tomorrow we will need it, and we will be delighted to have helped and to be helped in return,” he testifies in the report at the top of this article.


On Thursday, the river burst its banks, carrying away many trees and destroying the town’s old bridge which was flooded. Never seen before in memory. “I’ve lived there for 40 years and I’ve never seen that. I’ve seen Valencize overflow, yes, but not like that.” says a resident.


Never seen before for the 2,500 inhabitants of the town. Jean-Yves’ garden and garages were ravaged by the flood. But the Chavanois can count on the help of his neighbor. “We can’t do it alone, it’s enormous, in fact, the quantity of earth that has accumulated in garages, cellars…”, he indicates. Other valuable help: his son, who came urgently from Berlin, Germany. “When the bridge collapsed, that’s when I made the decision. I understood that something serious was happening.”

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The cleaning of the city will take several more days. Residents and elected officials are hoping for help to rebuild the bridge.

The editorial staff of TF1info | TF1 report: Elsa Assalit, Louise Le bras, Guillaume Vuitton



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