Ludovic Malot: “ will be the first to fall, but also the first to get up. »

Ludovic Malot: “ will be the first to fall, but also the first to get up. »
Ludovic Malot: “France will be the first to fall, but also the first to get up. »

Understand the global battle between the powerful…

Twenty years ago, this interview would have been considered surprising, even far-fetched. Today, the public sees that great leaders, political or economic, regularly make spiritual references and that the invisible battle is also taking place on Earth. One big boss claims to be Catholic and puts his media at the service of his fight, another billionaire buys a large social network and uses it as a weapon to serve his ideas to denounce what he calls the “forces of evil”, a president of the Republic evokes “the beast of the event”, another denounces the pedophilia of the elites or the sacrifices of children… In what world do we live? Is the global battle of the powerful a reproduction of the one playing out in the sky?

Ludovic Malot, economist and consultant, is the author of the best-seller “Monetary suicide: the only true and honest currency is physical gold! “. We discuss with him the situation in , this battle that everyone seems to guess, but which is difficult to explain, and especially the predictions of Marie-Julie Jahenny. Yes, it was only a few kilometers from the peninsula, in Blain, that this woman made announcements at the beginning of the last century that all seemed to come true. Ludovic Malot works a lot on Marie-Julie Jahenny, to whom books are devoted all over the world. According to his prophecies, France should collapse very quickly, into total chaos, but then rise from its ashes between 2030 and 2033…

Kernews: Everyone feels an economic decline, with a form of helplessness, in the face of the decline in our geopolitical and cultural influence. Those who are awake know that there are dimensions that escape us, the great people of this world are in this battle and this allows us to understand many things, notably through the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny, a woman who is close since she lived all her life in Blain…

Ludovic Malot : There is a lot of worry at the moment, a lot of anguish due to the impoverishment of French society, particularly since the introduction of the euro which has multiplied the debt, with a sharp increase in prices. We are in hyperinflation in reality. The spiritual question is at the center and it is intertwined with the political and economic question. I started my career in the United States, in finance management. I am very curious by nature and I never take what is presented to me at face value. I was on American territory during the September 11 attacks and I began to do my research in the heart of finance. I discovered another version, one thing led to another, to really understand what had happened.

‌Everyone was able to see that these were lies, with the attack on Iraq…

It was a way for them to put in place repressive legislation, notably the Patriot Act, to introduce a whole range of measures, particularly in the movement of people. This operation was a six-shooter. We now know that on that day we were to announce a fundamental law putting an end to the American Central Bank, therefore to the exorbitant power of a very powerful financial elite which has controlled the monetary system for more than a century. A new dollar was to be put into circulation with a backing on gold and silver, while today most people realize that fiat money is just fake money that is worthless. . Today, I consider that we are in a period of apocalypse, in the sense of awakening consciousness. There is therefore a strong link with the sacred. France has a position of choice since it is the eldest daughter of the Church and, by being the custodian of the sacred, it is the most ferociously attacked by dark forces. These forces seek to prevent humanity from waking up and we are at war. These forces took power during the French Revolution, with a precise agenda that I explain regularly. There was the attack on Notre-Dame de , since it was an intelligent operation. I remind you that General Jean-Louis Georgelin, in charge of the reconstruction of Notre-Dame, died mysteriously from an accident in the mountains. The beams were coated with Thermite 7, which is a highly flammable product, and it is for this reason that the fire developed so quickly. So, it’s an intelligent operation and that’s undoubtedly what Jean-Louis Georgelin was supposed to reveal. The idea was to destroy the spiritual symbolism of our country.

Let’s return to Marie-Julie Jahenny’s predictions, since everything holds together…

She was a peasant from Blain, in -Atlantique. Born in 1850 and died in 1941, she lived 91 years. She is a stigmatized woman who had a very powerful relationship with the Saints and Christ. All his prophecies have been written. She was visited a lot, there were miraculous healings, but also supernatural events in Blain. There is not a single prophecy of Marie-Julie Jahenny that has not come true. She lived the Passion of Christ every Friday and faced demonic attacks. She did very powerful work, both visible and invisible, to free people from purgatory. Some of his revelations were hidden: this was voluntary, since there was a whole logic in the revelation of his prophecies. It was from the 1970s that all his writings came to light. We must remember from all this that France will die and will relive the Passion of Christ.

What prophecies have been verified?

The First World War, the Second World War, the conflict in Persia, the conflicts in England… All those who are open-minded and who respect themselves can obtain the works concerning her, in particular “Miracles in the Heart of Darkness”. She had anticipated that France would become close to Mohammed, with the help of a socialist-communist party. It was clear. Today, we recognize the New Popular Front. She predicted that these people will cause very serious problems for France, with a civil war and the destruction of part of Paris. There will be a law from hell, with the ban on Christian worship in France. We don’t know what form this might take. But we can clearly see the destruction of churches and the multiple fires. There is a fierce battle going on at the moment. According to her, there will be an Islamist and Russian invasion with France divided into two parts. The south of France will be seriously affected and a significant part of will be protected because, in the energy of our ancestors, many people have faith.

What is interesting is that many prophecies evoke a protected Brittany… In her predictions, she evokes three days of darkness in France. At that time, there was not yet electricity everywhere, nor the Internet obviously… Can we interpret this as a big power outage?

This can be an interpretation, like the idea of ​​a pole shift, but I can tell you that it will be better to stay at home, without being interested in what is happening outside! Divine justice will take place, it will be an intense purification operation, and there is a whole series of recommendations in his predictions. I recommend to the French who have distanced themselves from the sacred to do the work of refocusing to put themselves under the protection of Christ and the cross. The cross is powerful against the satanic forces that are being unleashed. They will become more unleashed over the coming months. It is important that the French return to religious practice. Moreover, everything was done to destroy the Catholic religion and I clearly say that the Vatican was infiltrated.

‌Most of the world’s scandals revolve around the theme of Satanism and pedophilia. This war is reproduced among leaders, some of whom try to get closer to good in their work of influence. There are very famous billionaires and others who go towards the opposite, namely witchcraft or Muti which is very popular among the world elite…

Indeed, the submerged part of the iceberg is emerging and we are seeing more and more this link between the elites and spirituality, but also pedophilia and Satanism. There are secret lodges that do rituals and it is now something known.

You affirm that we are going to endure this crisis in France and that it is not a distant horizon that will only materialize in a few decades…

It’s a matter of months or years! It is anticipated that the chaos will last until 2033 and that the situation will then be restored. France will die in the coming years, with much suffering and chaos. She will be the first to fall, but also the first to get up. The stakes are considerable.

I remind you that you are an economist. So, how can we protect our heritage during this period?

I am Franco-Swiss, half Breton, I live in Geneva where I work. The only way to protect your capital is to have gold or silver, in physical or crypto form. It’s not about having bitcoins, because this currency is not backed by a real asset. There are cryptos that are backed by specific projects, like crypto-link, or by real assets. You really have to make a difference. I advise having a crypto 100% backed by gold or silver, because it is very liquid. We can buy gold or silver and soon we will be able to use a bank card to pay directly in metal money. My advice is to get rid of the euro, because it is fake money. In this area there is Lod3. I regularly provide training for people who do not understand how cryptos work and who need support in order to make them autonomous, with a decentralized wallet on the blockchain. No one can seize your digital tokens when you are the only person with access to your wallet. It is important to have physical, with coins, and in addition to crypto backed by gold and silver, because it is very liquid.

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