Agriculture – Drop in input prices: Seeds on the table – Lequotidien

Agriculture – Drop in input prices: Seeds on the table – Lequotidien
Agriculture – Drop in input prices: Seeds on the table – Lequotidien

Like mineral fertilizers, the prices of seeds and plants will experience a significant drop, so that access to these inputs is easier for agricultural producers.

By Dialigué FAYE – Better access to inputs is the ambition of the new authorities for producers. For this, the government of Bassirou Diomaye Faye decided to bear a good part of the price of inputs, which leads to a reduction in the producer’s acquisition price.

For skimmed peanut seeds 55-437, the price per tonne, which costs 515 thousand CFA francs from suppliers, is subsidized to the tune of 290 thousand CFA francs, or a rate of 56%. The unit sale price thus amounts to 225 CFA francs compared to 230 francs last year. Regarding R1 certified seeds, per tonne, which is set at 570 thousand francs, is subsidized to the tune of 280 thousand, or 49%. The unit transfer price is set at 290 CFA francs compared to 420 CFA francs last year. For R2 certified peanut seeds whose price per ton is 550 thousand, the State will inject 320 thousand, or 58%. The unit transfer price amounts to 230 CFA francs compared to 250 CFA francs during the 2023-2024 agricultural campaign.

Cereal seeds are also affected by this subsidy. The kg of certified sorghum, which cost 300 Cfa francs in 2023, will cost 250 Cfa francs this year, a drop of 50 Cfa francs. The price of a kg of hybrid corn was set last year at 2,500 CFA francs. This year, the price is set at 2000 CFA francs, a reduction of 500 CFA francs. From 450 CFA francs, the price of certified cowpea rose to 400 CFA francs. Fodder cowpea is 100% subsidized. Therefore, it is distributed to farmers free of charge.

For mineral fertilizers, the State has reduced sale prices by 22%. A measure that producers affiliated with the National Council for Consultation and Cooperation of Rural People (Cncr) welcomed last Friday, during a courtesy visit from the new Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and breeding, Mabouba Diagne.

“The prices of fertilizers and those of seeds have fallen sharply,” rejoiced Sidy Ba. But does he invite the State to monitor the quality of seeds? He wants the seeds, once sown, to meet the expectations of producers. Even if they are skimmed seeds, they should not be skimmed seeds which have lost their varietal homogeneity.
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