In -Atlantique, what is this new festival dedicated to trees and the plant world?

In -Atlantique, what is this new festival dedicated to trees and the plant world?
In Loire-Atlantique, what is this new festival dedicated to trees and the plant world?


Laurent Fortin

Published on

Oct 18, 2024 at 12:54 p.m.

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Clisson is truly a city of f In addition to the incomparable Hellfest (extreme music)Clissonnantes (classical music), Autumn Trestles (theater), the Constable (movie theater) or even Italian (street arts), has just been added Festiverde.

This latest addition does not only have a cultural vocation unlike the others: he will also take on a strong environmental dimension by putting the plant in the spotlight. It will take place from Friday October 18 to Sunday October 20.

But be careful, political divisions will have no place during this event. The approach to the theme is intended to be consensual.

Raphaël Romi, from the Trinit’& cie neighborhood association

It is one of the three organizing structures, with Solid et la Cause, an eco-artistic association of around twenty years recently established here.

Because we know that the ecological topics are often debatedeven controversial in Clisson.

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This meeting should encourage citizen, intergenerational and also scientific meetings on a subject whose urgency no longer needs to be demonstrated. Everyone must take charge of the fight against global warming. Plant protection is a shield

Niels Adde, founder of the Cause.

We want an educational approach that is sensitive and harmonious. With sharing of ideas above all on how to renature urban centers, protect trees and develop plants.

Stéphanie Zawistowski, de la Solid’.

Assembled in just six months

It is also the sharing similar values within the three associations which launched the idea of ​​this festival. ” In barely six months », insists Gaëlle Romi. Everyone used their network. So the program could have been much more substantial. “We limited ourselves,» adds Niels Adde. “For questions of time and especially budget”.

The three days will be punctuated by nearly thirty activities. Distributed across three sites: Garenne-Valentinthe Cordeliers cultural center and in the heart of the city. With a similar construction: moments of observations in the morning (hikes, walks, etc.), then moments of reflection (conferences, cinema, etc., activities for everyone afterwards (climbing, silvotherapy, etc.), and finally shows and music in the evening.


• Friday October 18
– At the Cordeliers cultural center
At 2 p.m., conference on trees in the city today with François Freytet (green service manager in metropolis), Pierre Bazin (consulting engineer), Elisabetta Cereghini (landscape architect), Raphaël Romi (professor).
At 4 p.m., conference on the tree in town tomorrow with Ronan Dantec (senator), François Guillot (mayor of Gétigné), Emeline Escats-Guillou (landscape architect), Thibault Morizur (Aimé-Césaire high school), Raphaël Romi (teacher).
At 8 p.m., slam evening in partnership with Animaje.

• Saturday October 19
– In the city
From 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., walk to discover remarkable trees and discover the tree heritage of Clisson with Jardiner Nature.
From 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., botanical walk with Patrick Trécul, discovering plants with guide, photographer and naturalist Patrick Trécul.
At 5 p.m., dance performance at the end of the walk to meet the trees of Clisson in the garden at 31 rue du Docteur Boutin
– At the Cordeliers cultural center
All day long, exhibition of original works by Julien Bizeul (Indian ink painting) and Marie-Christine Chailloux (vegetable dye) and stands (Invisible Cities bookstore, Kraken screen printing, Horizon bocage…)
At 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., Escape Game in the Animaje premises with Aurélie Marchesseau
At 8 p.m., Electro Plume concert, Acoustic concert

A 21h30, concert de Oh man, It’s dirty, groupe punk
– At Garenne-Valentin
From 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., sound artist Simon Oriot traveled through the Nantes neighborhoods and collected the words of residents who highlight everyday plants
From 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., silvotherapy with Manuelle Gérault (forest bathing, reconnecting with nature, etc.) for children and from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for adults.

• Sunday October 20
– In the city
At 10 a.m., at the Connétable cinema, screening of the film Le Chêne followed by a debate (before coffee and brioche)
From 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., deep time walk to discover the history of planet Earth during a slow walk.
– At the Cordeliers cultural center
All day long, exhibition of original works by Julien Bizeul (Indian ink painting) and Marie-Christine Chailloux (vegetable dye) and stands (Invisible Cities bookstore, Kraken screen printing, Horizon bocage…)
At 3 p.m., “Photosynthesis” show, stroll through the Cordeliers tree
At 6 p.m., plant-based karaoke
– At Garenne-Valentin
From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., “Grimp’arbre” workshop with ropes
From 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., silvotherapy with Manuelle Gérault (forest bathing, reconnecting with nature, etc.) for children and from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for adults.

Among the highlights, we will note at the opening, the Friday October 18THE two conference debates on the Place de l’arbre in town where we will find a manager of a green spaces department, a consulting engineer, a landscape architect, a professor and even elected officials from all sides.

For example, the tree charter which has just been established by Nantes Métropole will be discussed.

Raphael Romi.

Other expected moments: walks, whether with the photographer naturalist Patrick Trécul, or with guides for the march of Deep time; Or activity increases which will allow experts to climb the trees of Garenne-Valentin. Finally, it is necessary to point out the different shows (danced with Sophie Dalsace, acrobatic in the Cordeliers tree) and concerts (Oh man it’s dirty!). Organizers who hope that their efforts will bear fruit.

Festi verde, from Friday October 18 to Sunday October 20, at Garenne-Valentin, at the Cordeliers cultural center and in the town center of Clisson. Around thirty activities. Free price (in the hat). Prize pool Information on

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