Weather for Tuesday, May 21: new heavy rains in the northeast

Weather for Tuesday, May 21: new heavy rains in the northeast
Weather for Tuesday, May 21: new heavy rains in the northeast

News Weather

This Tuesday, a new episode of heavy rain is expected in the northeast with a high risk of floods and floods in the same departments affected last week.

Highlights of the day

– heavy rains and risk of flooding in the northeast

– stormy in the west

– sun and summer atmosphere in the Mediterranean


The weather is very unstable due to a cold drop positioned in the heart of France. Stormy showers are already affecting Aquitaine while heavy rain is falling over Alsace and Lorraine. Elsewhere, the weather is quite calm, especially in the Mediterranean where the sun shines at daybreak. The sky remains mostly gray in the northwest but it is not raining.

Minimum temperatures range from 9°C for Aurillac in humid gray to 17°C for Ajaccio.


The situation continues to deteriorate near the northeastern borders with sometimes heavy rains and a likely reaction from rivers. Stormy showers break out in the center-west and south of Aquitaine with locally high accumulations. The weather is threatening between Burgundy and the Paris basin. Near the Mediterranean, good warm weather persists, particularly towards the Côte d’Azur and Corsica.

Maximum temperatures change little in the rain and gray of Aurillac with 13°C, while it is summer in the south-east with 27°C for Nice.


Little change except the gradual dissipation of the storms with dusk over the west of the country. These showers tend to move towards the center and the Paris basin, losing activity. The situation is still complicated along the Belgian borders with regular rains.

Further trend

The instability will continue for the middle of the week before a slight improvement for the weekend. Shy since the threat of storms will still not be ruled out. If you want to take advantage of the good weather, head to the Mediterranean.

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